My Praetorians had their first foray into the world of 30K yesterday. A 3000pts battle against an absolutely gorgeous Ultramarine army. 

It was absolutely brilliant, the game was neck and neck from start to finish and it looked to be heading into a draw in turn 5 until the final throw of the dice, my Medusa (counts as medusa field gun as 30K militia have some differences) one shotted an otherwise untouched land raider! 

The game gave you extra points for units in the opponents deployment zone, as the dust settled there were none for either of us, both warlords were dead, and it came down to attrition with me winning on units killed! 

Here are some photos for you to enjoy. 

That’s not all for today though here is a little update on the WIP Praetorian Grenadier. Hopefully I’ll have some more hobby to show you soon as I’m currently building my new Land Raider Proteus! 

Thanks for following and having a look! Comments as always are welcome.