Been a little quiet on the blog of late, been head down furiously batch painting Iron Warriors for the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation auctions coming up, but the interstitial pictures just weren't all that interesting. After cranking out 30 Dark Angel tac marines, I'll admit feeling a little trepidation over diving right back in and painting 30 more marines - but it's for a great cause and they ended up being more fun than I expected!

The recipes were provided by the team lead, and I was pretty stoked to see how they turned out. The metals on the armour have a lot of depth, and all the hazard stripes definitely make for a striking look!

I'll admit that a bunch of tac marines aren't the most thrilling aspect of a Heresy army, but they are the backbone of any self-respecting force, and I was happy to take care of the more mundane Troops choices and let the other very talented folks work on the the cool stuff!

The veterans were definitely my favorites to work on as they had a bit more character than their tac squad counterparts. They all got a bit more bling and equipment, and the sergeant got a red-and-white helmet crest to help distinguish them on the tabletop.

All in all they were a hoot to work on, but I don't know that it was enough to kindle a desire to do a full Iron Warriors force of my own (for which my wallet is grateful). Expect to see some pics of the full army and links to the raffle as they go live!