The apothecary of modeling, am I
Accelerator be my inspiration, and cyanoacrylite my muse
Be my acrylics and solvents ever within reach,
and deftly honed blades forever mine to use
Nay, shall I not want for a styrene accouterments,
nor resin accents,
nor acrylic rod
nor photo-etched details
Shall I be beholden to the immutable stain of enamel?
Nay! For mine is the access to alcohol, terpentine and napthol,
against which all discolrants shall fall.
What care have I for the challenge of the hobby?
None... as naught but a challenge beneath my contempt;
For have I such tremendous amounts of varied shit around mine house
That no obstacle cannot be overcome!
-Kevin the Kovarcik