I'm finishing up some bits that seem to have found their way into a box... under a paper towel... and surprised me when I went looking for some brush on matte clear coat... DoH!

Apparently Kira Nicolovski (the blue one) and Alyse have languished in a near finished state for several weeks or more... as have this assortment of tables, crates, and work stations.  To be fair I wasn't just distracted... the resin material that the furniture is made of is troublesome and, while Alyse and Kira did not share the same troubles as the furniture, they got lumped in the box with the rest while I was busy working on the Dickensians Set 1.
 First the good stuff!

The furniture has a cool classic sci-fi look and, as you can see, reminded me a lot of Mass Effect!  There are a few nods to that here and there.  This is a welcome addition to the more numerous sci-fi gothic bits that usually decorate my battlefields.  I love having options!  Not every battle takes place in a long destroyed ruin.

Because of this I went with a lot of white.  It is a laboratory after all! I relied mostly on the Reaper Bone Triad for the main white colors.
I also have a mix of lettering styles.  There are some sharp decals (mainly from Thor Decals, District 7 set) and some, very campy, hand lettered stuff.  When the computer monitors come round... as they soon should... they will feature a lot of campy lettering on their screens!

In the Grimdark I tend to use a lot of warm primary colors.  Stark contrasts for stark times.  For the Mantic Universe I'll likely tend to use a different pallet that is generally cooler and secondary like teal and turquoise with accent colors like magenta and coral.
The less good stuff!

The material the boxes and tables are made of is a bit rubbery and doesn't prime well.  It has paint adhesion and rigid strength troubles similar to early Bones.  The tables and work stations were so nettlesome in their determined shapelessness that I ended up mounting them on bases to give them a chance to pick a form and stay in it.  It seems to have worked well and the bases are not as incongruous as I had feared they might be.

The rest of the stuff!

Alyse and Kira also illustrate the depth of my unfamiliarity with the Mantic Universe... I've read some novels and some of the backgroud i the rules.  I like where they seem to be, and where they seem to be going, with the Human Corp Space... but I'm really fuzzy on most of the alien races.  So... I've arbitrarily selected colors for these two... and for the other aliens represented in the Kickstarter... and just run with it.  I figure that as long as I have internal cohesion my approach will be just fine... and if a mid course color correction seems warranted I'll just claim that aliens, like humans, are composed of several subgroups that can be identified in part by the color of their skin. Variety is the spice of life... literally!

Back to the painting table!