Quick hit this morning, I spent some time yesterday afternoon rummaging around in the Closet of Doom for something to build - I've been doing a ton of painting of late and figured it was time to reward myself by spending a session gluing my fingers together. I'd been considering a Lord of War choice for the Dark Angels when my eye fell on the stack of Knights that have been gathering dust for the last several years. While I'd originally intended to pick up a Glaive for the force, perhaps a Knight would better suit the aesthetic of the Dark Angels a little better!

One of the kits in particular seemed as though it would work well, and after a fair bit of cutting, carving, pinning and not a little swearing, a Knight Lancer marched off the build deck. Tried to go with an "en garde" stance, as though it's fending off a blow on the shield and winding up for a stab with the lance. From a fluff perspective I'm going to be painting it up in House Vyronii colors, a household with an historical affiliation with the Dark Angels, and having a paint scheme that I think will look nice alongside the predominantly black and red of the heresy-era Dark Angels livery!