I really thought I was done with the London GT. Apologies to those who have no interest in this, normal blogging will resume tomorrow with my review of the Elites section of the new Deathwatch codex. 

Several hours ago, the London GT facebook page posted, publicly calling out one of the players on the stream for cheating and have banned him from all of their future events (we should all be so lucky). 

This is absolutely disgraceful!

First off, let me say that cheating or poor sportsmanship should be called out at these events. HOWEVER, to focus on this when they have not, to this point, issued a single statement or apology on the shambolic and disgraceful event that they have just run is an outrage.

I haven't watched the video, so don't know who is in the right or the wrong in the examples they have given. BUT, this game was played after game 3 on the Saturday, some of which didn't finish till 9.30 pm. At this point, both players had been gaming for over 12 hours each, on top of Friday's gaming, so I would have expected them to both be exhausted. I've played four games in one day at a tournament and was barely conscious by the fourth game.

Publicly shaming a single player to cover for your own gross incompetence is shameful. The 40k GT 2018 was an embarrassment to competitive 40k in the UK.

I don't often get mad about 40k, it is just a game we play for fun. However, having spent the time, effort and money to go to this sad excuse for a tournament has left me livid.

As a result the player has been banned from their events, so will not be attending next year's GT. I imagine many of the competitors at this year's GT will joining him. 

As I said, normal service will resume on the blog tomorrow, be sure to like and follow the Facebook page to keep up to date on all the news on the blog.