Sorry for the late post guys. Turns out planning a wedding (today by the way, I'm multitasking!) takes up a lot of your hobby time. Still, I've managed to work on a few new things here and there.
The first ‘new’ squad is a very retro unit of Necron Raiders. Managed to grab these quite cheap as the landlord was having a clear out and their son had a ton of old WH stuff. After a night in the Dettol and with a new lick of paint, they make for great immortal stand-ins (they seem too bulky for Warriors).
Another recovered model was this basilisk. It's in a bad way, broken, missing parts, the tracks are going in oplosite directions, and a very, very gloopy paint job. This will be tougher than the Raiders to reclaim, but I love a challenge.
Finally, for today at least, a sneak preview of my chaos cult gang. Most of the models are reclaimed vraksians or sons cultists, but there's a few new models.
The heavies for instance both started off as blood warriors. I wanted one of each special weapon, a heavy stubber and heavy flamer. The stubber is an old forgeworld tank stubber with a new trigger handle, and the heavy flamer if from the rubric terminator set with the terminator arms trimmed way back.