Time to start shading and tinting these bugs!

Spent some time on the deck since the weather is nice. Remember to add some retarder in warmer weather ;) Haggen Das is optional.


Colors for tinting and shading claws:

Tinting with red first:

The shade down with purple blue black minx and then again even deeper with pure black:

 Good place to stop. Batch painting is hard.

This might be my last regular post for a while as I have fallen behind on prepping posts. So from here on out its going to be more of a whenever I can type thing.  If you want to keep up to speed with what I am doing you can follow me on these socials:

Instagram: almost_zab
Art Amino: Almost Perftec Painting
Deviant Art: AlmostZab
and sometimes facebook (but God I hate the FB interface): Zab

Also, this month I am taking a vow silence. No talking, texting, email or social media interactions. Yep, not sure if I can do it. I have always wanted to try and now feels like the right time in my life where there are no real distractions, obligations or excuses not to. I am comfortable being alone and silent, but I have to admit to feeling a bit freaked out as well because just a few days before starting I became very aware of how much communication I take for granted.

Next Post: Back to fleshy bits for more depth and tone with inks.

Thanks for stopping by, see ya in a month and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain :)