Under the banner of the Rogue Trader Shalini Andraxis and her younger brother Florian this Graia-pattern light freighter (MK2a with grey market modifications) is a regular sight in the spaceports of the Britarius sub-sector on the Eastern Fringes. 

Know as the "Glory of Trade", or more colloquially within the fleet as the "'Emphill Elevator", the tenacious craft has been flown by nine generations of the Hemphill family, indentured pilots to the Andraxis dynasty and rumoured discoverers of the Graia Pattern Freighters STC. 

Its captain, Anreaus Hemphill, operates under the Andraxis families Rogue Traders warrant, who have been rumoured to have conducted business with the Tau, which may well explain the two very non-standard and unidentified pattern railguns on the vessels fuselage.

The vessel is often employed for escort duties as well as light cargo transportation, thanks to this ship's considerable armament and is often in the vanguard of trade negotiations escorting down the numbers lighters and flyers that are used to demonstrate the capabilities of the Andraxis family.


WIP pics to follow soon :)