Anyone who knows me also knows that I have lots of fun with flame effects of all types, and Object Source Lighting as well!  This classic Reaper figure was a quick little conversion that I had made for a Salamander army.

I could not resist the juxtaposition of the cool vs warm tones, but also contrasting the very intense fluorescent orange paints from the bright teal colors made using the Reaper Clear paints.

I have used the Reaper clear paints in a large portion of my painting classes, as they can be utilized in so many ways.

You can employ them as a glaze, since no amount of thinning with regular water breaks them down.  When you add just a touch of lighter and somewhat more opaque color to them, they will become a very rich and intense middle tone as you see here in the teal colors.

I have done a number of demonstrations of the flame technique on Facebook live:

He's also here: