Hi Readers, this weekend was the Titan Owners Club inaugural UK Walk held in Milton Keynes, a great one day event which was absolutely great! So many Titans duelling, it was immense.
My Coffin Ships ready for transport
The first order of business was meeting the fellow Titan Owners, and we arrayed the Titans for a photo shoot before commencing battle. Here they are, feast your eyes!
My Custodes Indentured Knight at the feet of a Mortis Engine
And the WeeMen Titan Maniple, Reaver Honorum, Warhounds Canis Praetor and Canis Bellum and Reaver UNNAMED - there to earn his name for Legio Crucius, plus a host of Imperial Knight Banners.
Watch out for massed Armiger Warglaives, they sting like wasps and earned themeselves an Engine Kill or two... next post we will post shots of the massed battles and describe a few of the Titan Kills!

Great day, thanks to all at Titan Owners Club for building and supplying the terrain and organising a great relaxed fun day. Cheers Drake Seta and Col Hertford.

Thanks for checking the Titans out, cheers, Siph and Lord Halfpenny.