Welcome my 100th post! Look at that, talking to you a hundred times. I can't believe it's been that many already. It wasn't even a year ago that I split this page off on its own. I started the blog as a way to keep track of my hobby progress, but it unexpectedly turned into a way of connecting with all of you.

Break out the party hats.
Between here and Twitter, I've connected with an amazing array of wargamers. I've been incredibly inspired by all of you. Your own work, advice, and encouragement have been so amazing. I couldn't have grown so much as a painter and hobbyist in the past year without your help and support. That's why I've decided to do a small giveaway in thanks.

But, that's why you're here, isn't it? I invoked the magic words: free stuff! I'll keep you in suspense no longer. Here's the deal: I'm going to give away a $25 Games Workshop gift voucher. All you need to do to enter is leave a comment (using Disqus, please) on this post saying what you might like to buy with it if you win. One entry per person. The contest will be open for one week, starting right now and ending on April 9, 2013 at 11:59 PM, EST. The winner will be randomly selected and announced on April 10.

Now, of course, there's a little fine print regarding the voucher. This giveaway is open to everybody, everywhere. I checked with GW and the email voucher can only be used on the website it was purchased from. That means, if I buy a voucher on the US site, but the winner lives in the UK, the winner would have to spend it on US site, pay for shipping from the US, and then wait for the post office gremlins to slog it all the way across the ocean. That's a pain in the butt for everyone.

So, if you enter, you agree to a) give me your email address so I can email you the voucher in the first place and b) tell me what country you live in so I can buy the right one for you. Unfortunately, it also means that the $25 number is only an approximation if you're outside the US, as native currencies are used on each country's site. GW only lets you choose fixed amounts from a list, so I will send the winner whichever one is closest to the equivalent of $25 USD and you'll get that one. It might be a little more, it might be a little less.

Sound good? All right! So, tell me, my warmonger friends, what would you buy if you win $25 gift voucher?

*Edit* You don't need to leave your email/country in the comment. I'll ask the winner for that after the contest ends.