Saw a rather cool use for the GW shipping containers recently and knew I had to follow suit - Had a set lurking in the Closet of Doom so on a somewhat rainy afternoon I set to chopping, drilling and gluing my fingers together to make a few hopefully interesting pieces of scatter terrain for Necromunda!

First up, welcome to The Gun Show! This is a rough approximation of what I'd seen elsewhere online and had to emulate - Took a little doing to drill and cut out the 'windows' on the side, and also carved out the hatches on the tops to let a little extra light in. Still looking for a salesman model to stand behind the counter, but pretty jazzed with how it turned out!

As I then had two more containers to work with, I figured a couple more shops would be in order! Next up is a little general store, Don's Downhive Deals, with Dealin' Don excitedly showcasing an Isotopic Fuel Rod for the enterprising adventurer aiming to set up camp in the Underhive!

Finally, as the Underhive is a dangerous place, a little Emergency Services is in order! Gangers have to have a place to go to get their bionics after all, and Doc Grainger and his orderly Mister Snips are always happy for the business...

Rather fun to build and should add a little more flavor to the battlefield once I get 'em painted up!