I'm not sure if this counts as progress or a step backwards.

I haven't really managed to do much over the last couple of days. The return of this seemingly endless heatwave has competely sapped my energy to do anything again, so I haven't been feeling up to doing any painting. I did however put a load of my old tanks into strip, ready to be rebuilt into the service of my XVth Legion.

I also stripped a load of my Deathwatch and Inquisition stuff, ready to hopefully be repainted at some point in the near future.

I've never quite been able to get my Deathwatch to look exactly how I want them, so they've been repainted more times than I can count. I've found a good recipe I want to try though, so hopefully this time will be the last. I just need to find the time to paint a test model at some point.

So yeah, not exactly progress of the traditional sort, but I wanted to put something up to keep in the habit of posting on a semi-regular schedule. Even if it turns out that I'm talking to an empty room, blogging still helps me stay motivated and focused on my various projects, so that can't be a bad thing.

Hopefully I'll have a proper batch of progress to show you guys in the the next couple of days though. I just need this ridiculous heat to go away so I can focus.