These Myrmidon Secutors have been hanging around in a drawer for a couple of years (since 2015) and I decided that it was finally time to get around to them (also my wife said I could not order more from FW unless I finished what I already have). The sculpts are a bit odd compared to most other figures that I have from FW in that they are mostly one big, highly detailed clump of resin. Also the design with a "base/scenery" on the model itself feels a bit odd. It was also not apparent how the shoulder pads should be attached as the weapon mounts are interfering with their placement. Also the arms holding the axes are very thin and a few of them actually broke. All in all, the models look ok but I do not think I will get more of them as they will be clones and there is only three bodies and very little customization options.

As for paint I considered painting the armor in the Northern Ghost green but I ended up doing it in a rusted metal instead as I think it goes well together with the red robes. It also meant that I did not have to pick out all the cables etc from the rest but could paint it all as one. One thing I have noticed when painting the metal is that the sloppier I am in the beginning the better it turns out. I think it has to do with the nature of metal and that it pics up and reflects colors differently depending on angel, surface structure etc and if the base coverage is to smooth it looks a bit flat and not as realistic as when the base is blotch and uneven. At least if one is going for a non polished look.

There are still some models in the stash that needs to get done so I will try to sneak them in in between my work on the Knights and Titans. I have also started to refurbish Unbearable Desire after having a discussion on TOC about the ability of the Warhound kit to keep a striding pose, but more on that in a separate post.