So Privateer Press announced they were expanding mini-crate to have a second line, this time covering some new Legend of the Five Rings miniatures, in an agreement with FFG.

I gotta say, I'm pretty excited about this for a couple of reasons.
Image taken from Privateer Press' announcement page, linked to from above.

First, I love the L5R setting, in general.  Having miniatures to represent some of the iconic characters from the story?  YES PLEASE.  They start with Togashi Yokuni, but just imagine getting Doji Hoturi, Hida Kisada, Bayushi Kachiko... I mean, there are plenty of great characters from the setting that I'd love to have in miniature form.

Second, these could actually be useful.  The L5R RPG is set for a relaunch, which I'm fairly 'meh' about.  But I do love the 4th edition rules, and could see myself running a 4th edition campaign.  Having some representative miniatures of some of the standard archetypes could come in handy to help with visualizing things.

Third, this is a win for Privateer Press.  Although I'm finding I do actually enjoy Mk3, I certainly didn't when it started, and I wasn't the only one.  They have to be hurting financially to some degree.  Having a new source of income, one with a good sized starting fanbase, can only help them long-term (and the return of Monsterpocalype will probably help as well).  I want them to succeed, and I think this is a good way to help keep them secure.

Finally, I feel like this is a good opportunity to kind of test the waters for a new L5R minis game.  Maybe FFG is interested in doing some more things with the line, other than the LCG, an RPG, and the one board game.  I would absolutely buy into a miniature game based on the setting- maybe this is the first steps to seeing that become a reality?

Anyway- color me excited and positive about this.  Please consider, if you are interested in L5R, taking a look at the mini-crate subscription that is going online in October.  I certainly will!