Hi all and welcome back again! :)

I apologize for being away from blog for this long time but i got a "work upgrade",  i changed home (and many other positive things) so i had the necessity to pause from blogging and dedicate myself to other activities,

But nothing can stop me from painting and in this year i've generated a ton of material that augurably i'll show you on next posts :)

But, as i promised one year ago, here's how i make swamp bases! :)

As usual.... LET'S START!!!!

For making swamp bases i use few simple materials, most of them are found in nature for example, foliage, little pieces of wood and stones.

But the most important thing in a respectable swamp is: MOSS!

For making moss i use 3 simple ingredients:

-Vinyl Glue
-Sponge grass

and for modulate colour:

-Acrylic paints

The process for making a nice moss is very simple...
Just mix Water, glue and grass together

...and add some acrylic paints to adjust colour for your necessities:

That's the result

---TIPS:  after your moss will dry, it will be darker than the wet mixture!---

Then i applied the mix with a brush, and i added some water effects, stones and wood

And that's the result:

I hope you enjoyed this brief tutorial!
Thanks for reading