Quick post today highlighting two time-saving hobby tools/supplies I'm making heavy use of in my painting marathon leading up to NOVA, as well as a preview of my unfinished, and still unnamed, Elven Union Blood Bowl team :)


It's crunch time now! Only 1 more day till I make my way down to the hotel Thursday morning. Arriving earlier today, and just in time to save my carpal tunnel hands so I can keep painting, is Garfy's new and improved Get a Grip!

I love it already and it's a game changer in terms of allowing me to paint for longer stretches of time without wincing (I sound like such an old man haha). But I seriously already notice a big improvement, so thanks for making this, Garfy! I also have to give an extra thank you for the incredibly fast shipping -- in the week and a half since the ToP post went up, I first waited a couple days before purchasing (I'm a procrastinator) and it had to cross an ocean to get here so that is awesome! I highly recommend this product.

UPDATE: Garfy's Get-a-Grip facebook page

Gemstone Paints

The second hobby supply that is saving me a bunch of time is Citadel Technical paints -- specifically the Gemstone paint Waystone Green (but I also saved some time on the bases with a one step Agrellan Earth). The Gemstone paints came out a couple years ago but I totally missed them haha. I was staring at a desk full of 12 players who each had no less than 5 gems a piece, plus the tokens, and no method of my own for painting them nicely (I avoided them mostly on my Dark Eldar or just used a simple metallic). When I googled looking for a good recipe Sir Duncan's video was one of the top results. A couple minutes later I was sold and heading to my local shop to snag the last pot of Waystone! With that many gems to paint, the number of layers/steps this one paint covers in one go (over a silver undercoat) will certainly save me some time over the more elaborate wet palette approach I was imagining.

I'll take a lot more pictures as I finish the team up and get them packed away in foam. But I'll leave you with a couple in-progress shots, and one is reminder for myself how I did a couple variations of the orange color.
