A month ago, Mr Awdry demonstrated his Donnybrook-based Witchfinder game which was another overwhelming success (after the stunning Congo last year). I came away inspired and compelled to have a go at creating a demo game day myself, and so it is time to start the process.

A lot of thought has gone into what I would do, and it will be a game based in my 'Hood' universe – my version of the Robin Hood saga. The thinking has gone well, and I even took a set of well-known rules and re-purposed them for the Hood setting and characters… but then I changed my mind.

Anyway, there is plenty of time to iron out some rules, what matters is a suitably appropriate and stunningly immersive set of models and terrain to use on the day. September seemed a good date to start and so I have. First step is to start assembling the models, and making any 'modifications' that may be required. I then need to paint a lot of figures and even more trees!

Then, as if all that wasn't enough, we get to finish the month off with a trip to Tabletop Gaming Live at Alexandria Palace – can't wait!

Stay tuned.