Another hobby season is upon us! I had quite a productive year in 2017/2018 and hope to capitalise on this in the coming year to increase my hobby output for the coming year. 

I'll split up my goals into some broad categories to plan for the year ahead. 

  • Purchase a battle mat or two
  • Finish my cityfight terrain
It's about time I got myself a proper gaming mat. I'm planning to purchase a couple of these to match my army bases. One will be a city mat, the other will be a brown earth mat to match most of my armies. 

I recently began work on finally getting my cityfight ruins built and based. I'm going to try and get these painted up to give myself a nice cityfight board to fight over. I'll also try and add some scatter terrain to the kit to create some more cover on the battlefield and break up the structures. 

Genestealer Cults
  • Primus
  • Magus
  • Sentinel Crew
  • Neophyte Hybrids
  • Guard Allies
  • Purestrain Genestealers
I have a number of units to finish up for my Cult. I've got a Magus and Primus that need to be finished off. I've also got the last couple of Sentinel crew to paint up to complete this, which I can paint along with a squad of Neophyte Hybrids. Finally, I have a unit of 16 Purestrain Genestealers I have assembled and just need to paint. 

I also plan to add to the force with some Guard allies painted up in a similar scheme. I've got a ton of spare Guardsmen I can assemble and paint, as well as a Leman Russ Punisher that could be added to the cause. 

These will probably be first up on the list to try and complete, hopefully for an upcoming codex release. I may even pick up the Tooth and Claw boxed set to add to my army. 

Dark Angels
  • Inceptors
  • Redemptor Dreadnought
  • Repulsor
I have a number of Primaris units to add to my Dark Angels force. I need to finish painting these and giving a go to an all Primaris force. 

I have no specific units needed painted up for my Orks. However, with the new Codex due soon, I'll no doubt be adding some units to the force based on the new book. Looking forward to seeing how this codex turns out. 

Astra Militarum
I need to rebase the remainder of my collection. I have started doing these to match my other Imperial forces, but need to finish them off so that I can mix and match the forces. 

White Scars
I don't think I really need to add anything to this force, as it is one of my largest collections and pretty much complete. 
I've not been playing with them too much recently. Space Marines are struggling a bit in this edition, so they have not been seeing the tabletop much. I was actually considering getting rid of them to finance a new project, but am loathed to lose them. Maybe they'll improve in the next edition and I won't want to get rid of them after all! 

Imperial Knights
Ah, my secret shame! I've been meaning to paint up my Imperial Knight for a number of years now and still haven't managed to achieve it. I think I may sign him up for Dreadtober this year to finally get him completed!

In addition, I have a few other Knight units to try and get painted up for my force. 

I've got a couple of tournaments to attend later in the year, and probably will try and get a few more booked up for next year. 

I'm thinking of changing up my tournament army and getting in a few practice games. I am currently thinking of going for a Dark Angels/Deathwatch mix. The Dark Angels give me a good firebase, with the Primaris Marines and Hellblasters, with Azrael in support. I think I might add a Deathwatch contingent for going after the enemy army, as they are a powerful support element for the Dark Angels. 

I also want to try and get some games with my neglected armies. The Orks are likely to see a lot of focus after the release of the codex. 

I also want to try a bit more with the pure Astra Militarum army, as I haven't really taken them much in 8th edition. I think I moved away from them, as they were considered too strong with the release of the codex, and I like a challenge in my games. 

So, those are just a few of my goals for the coming year. Obviously, I will continue trying to grow the blog and put out regular hobby content and battle report. If you have any suggestions on content you would like to see or how to improve the blog, please let me know.