This is a badly done merge  pic in "MS paint" from some pics I found on line () so I take no responsibility for any inaccuracy... nor the original paintwork.

Since the release of the new Adepticus Titanicus game I have been torn about what to do. I do love titans, nights and big robots in general, especially in large formations, and in the 40k universe, with some infantry as scale reference (epic FTW)... and as such the AD game, and models would be great (except for the infantry part, but there are buildings to give the scale, right). But...  and this is a big BUT... I am for most a collector and painter, ... not a gamer. So turning to AD would mean restarting a collection... new models etc...  and that would be nice in some ways... but the scale offers me less than what the 28 mm scale does as a painter. So I am struggling about what to do... stick with what I have and expand?... or restart at a smaller scale with potentially more models, that I will probably never play, but with less detail and not as much in terms of painting? I do have quite a large 28 mm collection gathered over some 25 years or so, so switching scales, as a collector, hurts my aesthetic eye of consistency...

One thing that has struck me with the rules of the release of the AD is the definition of a the Axiom battle maniple, that has a Warlord, two Reavers and two Warhounds, which is almost what I already have in 28 mm (plus a bunch of knights, 5 Questoris, 2 Domiuns, 2 Cerastus, 1 Porphyrion + 6 Armigers or so), so instead of investing heavily in a new scale I might just stay in 28 and work on what I have since I could potentially play AD in 28 mm if I had a similarly demented opponent. But, then again for the cost of the missing Reaver I might get two AD maniples that I could potentially play with the wife or friends... without looking for opponents with the same delusions as me... All this is making me freak out...  what to do...  decisions decisions...

As I have a surplus Warlord titan laser blaster that I could use as the "dual" turbo laser, which I think would look extremely cool.. I am thinking about a Reaver with dual Reaver laser blasters and a "warlord titan" laser blaster as back piece. This is something I have not seen so far in the community/google search  (I might have missed some one though). As far as I have been able do see the Warlord titan blasters fit without modifications tho the Reaver carapace in terms of the bottom plug, so I do not thing such a conversion would be impossible (blast but a bit of cannon..)

Well that is enough rambling for now...