I'm still alive Just been in temporary stasis (work and personal stuff). But to get back into the swing of things, here's a few things I've been working on recently.

The arrival of Killteam has been a great excuse to try out a few new ideas, without having to commit to a full army. My first ideas was a true-scale Chaos unit. True scaling is something I've always wanted to try out, but the cost of buying all those terminator legs puts a full army of the guys out of my reach (race cars don't pay for themselves!). But a squad is manageable. Naturally the unit was going to be Thousand Sons.

The legs are mostly Tartaros pattern, as they require no work to look like power armour MKIV. The torsos,shoulder pads and arms are actually from Evil Craft Miniatures, as they're a bit bulkier and scale well with the bigger legs. The weapons, heads and accessories are from regular-sized Thousand Sons and Chaos models, with the exception of the sorcerer's staff, which is from a Terminator sorcerer.

My favourite is the Soulreaper model, who has a shortened 'close quarters' variant make from a cut down heavy bolter and Taurox gun barrel.

You get a real sense of scale when placed next to a regular infantry model. The cultist, even though it's based on a bulkier Khorne model, looks tiny! I reckon these guys will appear very intimidating on the table. IT may also be a good excuse to try out an alternative colour scheme, such as the Hermetic Blades, or something red...

Next up, a sneak preview of my armies on parade entry for the year. Two things are different about my third entry. Firstly, it's not going to be thousand sons! MY two previous awards were for Magnus' chosen, but this year will be something new. Secondly, I'm keeping it top secret! Normally I give you an insight into what will be the theme or models, but I'm keeping everything under wraps.

Well, mostly everything. I will give you this little hint...