Someone keen-eyed noticed I had some new ruins in among my older scenery. My parents got me the Games Workshop Ruins of Osgiliath kit some time back and I thought I'd put it together and paint it to show my son how different scenery painting is from the very intricate miniature painting!

It actually featured dramatically in our most recent game (which I haven't posted about yet, but here's a sneak preview...

Obviously first we had to glue it together. My son got the pieces out and worked out where they should all go, then let me do the actual gluing.

I used the same technique that I've used in previous scenery, which is first a brown undercoat...

Followed by a dark grey...

Then it's some lighter grey drybrushing (pretty heavily)...

Finally a black wash and a lighter drybrush on the corners.

Here's the main gate section with some dwarves for scale...

And the arch section...

Finally the stairs bit with an archer behind the half-height wall. 

Pretty neat stuff I gotta say. I didn't spend much time on it and certainly wasn't very careful and yet it turned out looking really great. I particularly liked the statues =)