Good morning dear readers! I bought the wife an iPad mini and fancied trying out the camera software that came with it... What better excuse to take a few snaps of what I have been working on lately, namely models for my Khorne Army. I also included an army shot or three.

On to the models then...

The famous chaos marauder with hands on hips. I had to include him because I feel he's so iconic. Did you know there is a rare helmeted variant of this model?
This was a 99p eBay special. I didn't even bother to strip this one down, just washed over the armour with purple and black inks and drybrushed silver over the top.
Experimented with Go Faster Red with this model. I didn't really like the result, but there you go.
Pink horror, to join my blue one. These models are great fun to paint.
Finally, three snaps of the painted part of the army. I reckon I must  be a third of the way through now.

Well there you are. I did a rough tally of points using Warhammer Armies and Slaves to Darkness and can tell you this army will probably weigh in over 4000 points when its finished, perhaps more! One thing that I love about old school armies is the lack of uniformity. When each model has its own colour scheme and outline the slightly artificial nature of monopose, and semi-monopose, armies is reduced making the force seem, well, more believable. 

 As always, any thoughts and opinions are very much appreciated.
