Back to a regular gaming schedule!

I want to make mention of the blog of a friend of mine: Massively Miniaturized.  Once upon a time, my friends and I ALL blogged.  For a long time, it was just me.  However, finally, one other returns to the world of blogging...

Anyway, please check it out!

Games Played
  • Played a session of Mutant Year Zero, a roleplaying game set in a post-apocalyptic future.  In this one, we planned for a potential conflict with the Singing Monolith, talking to the bosses in the Arc, and prepared to find some allies to drag into the fight.  We caught rumors of a group up north that we could try to get involved.  We'll see how that goes.  In this campaign, I am playing as Lug, a Bruiser.  I am actually pretty dang scary when I am in combat.  And definitely not, outside of it.
  • Played three games of Warhammer Underworlds with BK.  He ran his Magore's Fiends warband, I tried out the new Stormsire's Cursebreakers, and my Chosen Axes warband.  Went 0-3, and I wouldn't say any of the games were remotely close.  Ooph.  Some of this was just bad play on my part.  Some was just... the Chosen Axes seem to not be good.  It's too difficult to Inspire them in a world with so many enemy pushes.  I'll probably switch to a different warband for a bit before giving them another shot.
New Arrivals
  • Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault.  I love Shadespire.  Why wouldn't I grab the next big thing for that game?  Adds magic!  And new warbands!  Oooh!
  • October issue of White Dwarf.  Came with a free pack of Age of Sigmar: Champions cards!
  • Kill Team: Rogue Trader.  If they would stock the original box, I would have bought that, but I wanted some new toys, and picked this up.  I can't wait to get to work on this, and may have a chance to play it next month!
Miniature Assembly/Painting
  • Assembled my Stormsire's Cursebreakers warband from the Nightvault Core Set! First miniatures I've assembled in some time.  They didn't perform great... but it was just a starter deck after all.
  • Read nothing, unfortunately.  Wasn't any time this past week.  Plan to read a lot next week!