Hi One and All,

Last weekend both Siph and I joined fellow Titan owners for the second Titan Walk of 2018, this time at Tamworth near Birmingham. This was a true 'floorhammer' battle, with plenty of terrain to block LOS.

My battle force included my Legio Crucius Reaver and Warhound, as well as 18 knights which had to supplement the depleted ranks of the Traitors to balance the forces. Unfortunately due to another commitment I had to disappear after 1700, so missed the final turn of the battle where Siph reported that the Loyalists started the fight back..

Here are pictures of the event, the day started with all the God Engines lined up... Siph calculated approximately £21,000 worth of resin and plastic krak...
Simple tweaks to 8th rules, adding distance to all movement and Macro Damage only on natural sixes.

The following are photos during the Battle itself:
Legio Fureans Void Shields seem impossible to collapse... five sixes one after the other... the Tempestus Princep Majoris was not happy...
Player Calgar looks forlorn as his Warlord is reduced to 2wounds... ;)
Too many Warlord fists - the dual fist Warlord with hindsight was not the best choice in a field of TurboLasers and Belicosa Cannons...
The mainstay of the Traitor forces, the Maniples of Legio Mortis and Legio Fureans
The hordes of Imperial Knights close for an epic melee...
Legio Crucius hold the Traitor flank with the horde of Imperial Knights
Final Tally Traitor Win 158VPs to 136VPs.

A really enjoyable day battling, the Reaver gained another 'Engine Kill' taking out a Warhound, however the new Warhound was pretty poor with shooting, and any hits were all saved with the Void Shields of the Tempestus Engines.

Cheers, LH