Late, once again. I swear, I'll get back in the right schedule as soon as I can!

Games Played
  • Arkham Horror: The Card Game.  We played The Pallid Mask, and I was Ashcan Pete. BK gave a description on his blog. Basically, we lost :(
  • Settlers of Catan.  This was actually the reason I didn't post this blog on time, as this game was running into the late hours of Saturday, throwing me off.  Anyway, we went to a friend's house, and played the "Caravans of Catan" scenario from the Barbarians and Traders expansion.  I managed to get my roads and settlements decently around the center of the board (the oasis), which helped get me the longest road, and added points for my settlements and city.  I ended up winning.  Megan was close behind, and had I not won, she was in very good shape to do so herself.
New Arrivals
  • New Monsterpocalypse starter (Defenders, specifically)!  I can't even explain how excited I am about this!  Let me get this on the table already!  For a bit, I'll probably have to use my old models, just because these are resin, and on clear bases, meaning I'll need to do some work, and will want to paint them before gluing them.  I REALLY need to get back into painting!
  • New Minicrate!
  • X-Wing 2.0- I have the new Core Set, and the Scum Conversion Kit.  I figure I'm the only player in our group with a good chunk of Scum ships, only makes sense for me to run them for now.  Seems pretty interesting, and I'm super eager to play this, as well.  A likely candidate for our upcoming gaming trip.
  • Maori Wars from Legion Wargames.  Battling against foreign invaders, the Maori were outnumbered and outgunned.  Should be an interesting game.  I'm a big fan of asymmetric warfare in game form, and this is a situation that definitely fits.  Great looking components.  Don't know when I'll play :(
Miniature Assembly/Painting
  • None, unforunately.
  • Finished October White Dwarf.  They are doing a very good job with these, making them interesting enough to want to read!
  • Finished Cibola Burn, part of the Expanse series.  As the pacing increased, the book got more and more interesting.  I can't wait to read the next one!
  • Finished Beasts of Chaos Battletome.   Seems pretty good.  I own exactly zero applicable models.  I just wanted to see how the mechanics looked for a non-Order army.
  • Finished new Monsterpocalypse rulebook.  A few differences from the previous game, all in the interest of action and simplicity.  Movement doesn't cost Action Dice, in general, which means stuff is going to get around the table more.  No more spending Action Dice in the power up phase.  No more Crush rule.  Fewer triggers.  Seems to have a lot less unit buffs from your monster, from the monsters I've seen so far.  I can't say any of these are bad (some are great).  I just need to play it and see how I like it.
  • Finished X-Wing 2.0 rulebook.  Pretty similar to 1.0, but enough changes to make it a brand new game.
  • Finished Kobolds and Cobblestones rulebook.  This one seems to have some serious issues.  I'm not sure how it would actually work on the table, I have to admit.  Pretty low priority to try it out, too.