This week's Warhammer 40k battle report sees my combined force of Dark Angels and Deathwatch take on Chris' Space Wolves in a special maelstrom of war mission.

This game was a practice for an upcoming tournament. In November, I will be attending Warfare in Reading. This features 5 games of custom missions, which I want to try out before the event. The mission we were playing was called All Out War.

In this game, players draw three cards per turn, up to a maximum of 6 cards. At the end of each turn, you must discard your maelstrom cards until you have only 3 in your hand. The twist is that each maelstrom objective you discard, your opponent scores the points. For example, if you discard Defend Objective 3, your opponent scores 2 points for it. This makes trying to score cards each turn important, as anything you don't achieve could potentially help your opponent to win. I was intrigued to see how this mission played out, as it suits the way that I normally play maelstrom missions.

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment (Dark Angels)
Azrael (Az)
Primaris Lieutenant- Master-crafted Auto Bolt Rifle, Eye of the Unseen (Relic) (L)
Primaris Ancient- Bolt Rifle (An)
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles (I)
5 Scouts- Bolters (S1)
5 Scouts- Heavy Bolter, Bolters (S2)
5 Devastators- Heavy Bolter, Armorium Cherub (D)
10 Hellblasters- Plasma Incinerators (H)
Darkshroud- Heavy Bolter (DS)

Battalion Detachment (Deathwatch)
Watch Master- Guardian Spear (W)
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Bolt Pistol (WC)
10 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols (DI)
10 Veterans- 10 Storm Bolters, 2 Storm Shields, 8 Chainswords (DV1)
6 Veterans- 2 Missile Launchers, 4 Stalker Bolters (DV2)

Auxiliary Detachment
Culexus Assassin (CA)

I had previously talked about my thoughts behind the army when I was building the list. This basically boils down to having the Dark Angels as a solid firebase, while the Deathwatch can act as a mobile reserves force for board control and targeting the enemy army. 

Another feature of the Warfare missions pack is a limit on 10 command points. This means that with my three Deathwatch units using the Teleportarium stratagem, I will only start the game on 7 command points. I'm normally used to a lot more to play with! (Note- the Auxiliary detachment doesn't count, as I can use "excess" command points to pay for this, I can only start the game with 10 CP). 

Chris' army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment (Space Wolves)
Wolf Lord- Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, Wolf Claw, Wulfen Stone (Relic), Saga of the Wolfkin (warlord trait) (WL)
Wolf Guard Battle Leader- Power Fist, Storm Shield (BL1)
Rune Priest- Runic Axe, Runic Armour, Plasma Pistol, Storm Caller, Tempest's Wrath (RP1)
5 Grey Hunters- Plasma Gun, Power Axe, Wolf Guard Terminator with Frost Blade and Storm Bolter (GH1)
5 Grey Hunters- Plasma Gun, Power Axe, Wolf Guard Terminator with Frost Blade and Storm Bolter (GH2)
9 Blood Claws- Bolt Pistols, Chainswords, Power Fist, Wolf Guard with Frost Axe (BC)

Vanguard Detachment (Space Wolves)
Rune Priest- Runic Terminator Armour, Runic Sword, Frost Fury (Relic), Living Lightning, Tempest's Wrath (RP2)
5 Terminators- Power Fists, Storm Bolters (T)
5 Wolf Scouts- Plasma Gun, 2 Plasma Pistols, Bolt Pistols, Chainswords, Wolf Guard with Wolf Claw and Plasma Pistol (WS1)
5 Wolf Scouts- Meltagun, Power Sword, Shotguns, Wolf Guard with Frost Blade and Storm Bolter
Company Ancient- Boltgun (WS2)

Spearhead Detachment (Space Wolves)
Wolf Guard Battle Leader- Power Fist, Storm Shield (BL2)
Wolf Guard Battle Leader- Frost Axe, Plasma Pistol (BL3)
5 Long Fangs- Bolters, 2 Heavy Bolters, Wolf Guard Terminator with Assault Cannon and Power Fist (LF1)
5 Long Fangs- Bolters, Plasma Gun, 2 Plasma Cannons, Wolf Guard Terminator with Assault Cannon and Power Fist (LF2)
5 Long Fangs- Lascannon, 2 Missile Launchers, Bolters, Wolf Guard Terminator with Cyclone Missile Launcher, Storm Bolter, Power Fist (LF3)

A very infantry-heavy Space Wolves force. I wouldn't have any Dreadnoughts or Thunderwolf Cavalry to deal with, but there was still plenty to worry about. The Long Fangs are great for putting out accurate firepower, as well as having stratagems to give them re-rolls and to ignore the to hit penalties from the Darkshroud.

There were also a lot of units that could go in reserve, meaning I would need to protect my lines from turn 2 onwards.

My plan was to deal with the firepower elements first, hopefully reducing the number of Long Fangs with my Hellblasters and Devastator Squad. The enemy Ancient could be problematic, as any casualties could potentially fire back at my lines. After that, I could hopefully deal with the enemy reserves, either using my own reserves, or block their placement with my units.

The scenario used Search and Destroy deployment (table quarters). We set up the objectives as shown below. I won the roll off for placing objectives, allowing Chris to place all three in his chosen deployment zone, close to one another.

We then deployed our units.

I put the Devastators in the ruins to the back of my deployment zone, while the Deathwatch Veterans went in the ruins towards the left of my deployment zone. I put the Intercessors on the left flank to guard against enemy outflankers. The Hellblasters, Dark Angels characters and Darkshroud deployed behind the Bastion in the centre. This line of sight blocking piece allowed me to keep most of the army out of line of sight, safe from many of the Long Fangs in case I did not get first turn.

I placed one unit of Scouts on the left flank, holding the objective, but out of line of sight. The other was placed behind the ruins in the middle. I wanted them to be out of line of sight, but in range to move out and secure my backfield to block the Outflanking units from getting to my gunline.

The rest of the Deathwatch and the Assassin went into reserve.

Chris deployed two units of Long Fangs on the left of his deployment zone, supported by the Ancient and a Battle Leader, with a unit of Grey Hunters beside them. The other unit of Long Fangs and Grey Hunters went behind the bunker on his right flank. One of the Battle Leaders secured the objectives in the ruins behind them, as well as to block my deep striking units. 

The rest of the army went into reserve, several using the Outflank stratagem to deploy. 

As part of the rules for warfare, you had to remove Priority Orders Received and 5 other cards of your choice from the maelstrom deck. You could not discard any "impossible" cards during the game. I chose to discard Priority Orders Received, Advance, Master the Warp, Domination, Witch Hunter and Psychological Warfare. Chris chose to discard Priority Orders Received, Advance, Oath of Vengeance, Psychological Warfare, Witch Hunter and Domination. 

Despite deploying first, I lost the roll off for the first turn and failed to seize the initiative. Chris took the first turn. 

In his first turn, Chris drew Defend Objective 1, Secure Objective 5 and Assassinate. 

On the right flank, the unit of Long Fangs and Grey Hunters moved up on top of the Bunker, while the Rune Priest moved up on the enemy lines. The other unit of Grey Hunters moved up towards the Hellblasters. 

In the psychic phase, the Rune Priest cast Tempest's Wrath on the Hellblasters, but failed to manifest Storm Caller. 

In the shooting phase, the Plasma Cannon Long Fangs fired at the Deathwatch Veterans, killing three of the squad. The Grey Hunters added their firepower, only managing one hit and no wounds. 

The second Grey Hunter unit fired at the Hellblasters, but failed to do any damage. The Heavy Bolter Long Fangs fired at the Deathwatch Veterans, wounding them 7 times and wiping out the unit. 

The final Long Fang unit opened fire on the Devastators, killing one of the squad. 

At the end of his turn, Chris scored First Blood and none of his maelstrom objectives. 

In my first turn, I drew Defend Objective 1, Scour the Skies and Secure Objective 3. Scour the Skies was impossible, but I had to keep it thanks to the tournament rules. 

The Hellblasters and Dark Angels characters moved up towards the Long Fangs, while the Darkshroud advanced to join them (getting its Jink save in the process). The Scouts in the centre moved back to block my back lines against the enemy reserves. The other unit of Scouts stayed in position, out of line of sight to hold the defend the objective. 

In the shooting phase, the Hellblaster Squad opened fired on the Plasma Cannon Long Fangs, wounding them 10 times. I did not overcharge, as the squad was at -1 to hit thanks to Tempest's Wrath. The volley was enough to kill the entire unit though. Chris made his Ancient rolls, but failed to get a single model to fight back. 

The Devastator Squad then fired at the Heavy Bolter Long Fangs, using the Hellfire Shells stratagem and Armorium Cherub. The mortal wounds managed to slay 5 of the squad, leaving only the Wolf Guard Terminator. 

Azrael, the Lieutenant and the Ancient fired at the Grey Hunters, but failed to do any damage. 

In the morale phase, the lone Terminator fled due to a failed morale test. Chris was planning to use the Lone Wolf stratagem on him, but the Terminator had other ideas. 

At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 3. 

Space Wolves- 1
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 1

In his turn, Chris drew Overwhelming Firepower, Scour the Skies and Defend Objective 6. He still had Defend Objective 1, Secure Objective 5 and Assassinate.

The Grey Hunters and Rune Priest moved up towards the Hellblasters, while the other Grey Hunter unit moved towards the objective held by the Scouts. 

At the end of the phase, the Space Wolves reserves arrived. The Blood Claws unit arrived between the two Dark Angel's Scout squads, hoping to get them off the objective as well. On the left flank, one unit of Wolf Scouts arrived near the Intercessors, while the Terminators, Wolf Lord and Rune Priest deployed near them. 

In the psychic phase, the Rune Priest on the left flank attempted to cast Smite and Living Lightning, but failed to manifest both powers. The other Rune Priest cast Tempest's Wrath on the Hellblasters. He then cast Smite, causing three mortal wounds on the squad. One of the Primaris Marines was able to fire back (thanks to the Ancient), killing one Grey Hunter. 

In the shooting phase, the Wolf Scouts fired their Plasma weaponry at the Intercessors, overcharging to try and damage the Primaris Marines. Two of the Space Wolves succumbed to overcharging, killing two Intercessors in the process. This was very unlucky, as Chris had the Wolf Lord nearby to re-roll 1's to hit!
The Terminators added their firepower, wounding four times, but I made all my saves. 

The Rune Priest fired his Relic Storm Bolter at the Darkshroud, wounding it twice after I failed two of my three 3+ saves. I used a command point re-roll to pass one more, taking two damage from the Rune Priest. 

The Blood Claws fired at the Scouts on their right, killing one. The Long Fangs targeted the same unit, killing three with Frag Missile rounds. The Grey Hunters added their firepower, killing the last of the Scouts. 

The other Grey Hunter squad fired at the Hellblasters, the overcharging Plasma Gun killing himself and wounding one Primaris Marine, but I made my invulnerable save. 

In the charge phase, the Blood Claws attempted to charge the Dark Angels Scouts, but failed to make the distance. The Terminators charged the Darkshroud, but also failed to make the distance. 

The Grey Hunters assaulted the Hellblasters. I managed a fantastic 8 hits (out of 16 shots!), but only four wounds. This was enough to kill three of the squad though. The Rune Priest also assaulted the unit. 

In the fight phase, the Rune Priest attacked the Hellblaster, killing two of the squad. The Grey Hunters attacked the unit, wounding three times, but I made all my invulnerable saves. 

In reply, the Hellblasters attacked the Grey Hunters, doing four wounds on the squad. The Grey Hunter was slain, and one wound was taken on the Terminator. Chris used the Lone Wolf stratagem to power up the last Wolf Guard Terminator from the Grey Hunters unit. 

In the morale phase, I lost one Hellblaster to a failed test. At the end of the turn, Chris scored Overwhelming Firepower and chose to discard Assassinate and Scour the Skies (giving me two points, as per the scenario). I also scored Defend Objective 1, after the Blood Claws failed to make the charge. 

In my second turn, I drew Mission Critical Objective (objective 6), No Prisoners and Defend Objective 3, to go with Scour the Skies from last turn. 

The Hellblasters fell back from combat, using the Intractable stratagem to allow them to still fire. Azrael, the Lieutenant and Ancient moved up on the Wolf Guard Terminator and Rune Priest. 

The remaining Intercessors moved to secure the objective next to the Devastators. 

At the end of the phase, the Assassin landed near the Intercessors to try and diminish the power of the Rune Priest. The Watch Master, Deathwatch Veterans and Deathwatch Intercessors landed near the Long Fangs to go after the enemy objective. 

The Hellblasters overcharged their Plasma Incinerators and fired at the Rune Priest, killing him for no loss in return (very surprising, as I was at -1 to hit). Azrael, the Lieutenant and Ancient fired at the Lone Wolf Terminator, but failed to do any damage. 

The Deathwatch Intercessors fired at the Long Fangs in the tower, killing the unit thanks to their Vengeance shells. The Ancient only allowed one Long Fang to fire back, and it was the one with the Bolter, doing no damage. The Space Wolves Ancient had not been doing well in this game. 

The Deathwatch Veterans fired on the Space Wolves Terminators with their Storm Bolters, using the Doctrine to give them +1 to wound. I managed 13 wounds with the Kraken Bolts, killing three of the squad after some horrendous saving throw rolls from Chris. The Devastators and Intercessors added their firepower, killing one more Terminator, leaving one in the squad. 

In the charge phase, Azrael, the Lieutenant and Ancient assaulted the Terminator in front of them. The Deathwatch Intercessors and Deathwatch Veterans attempted to charge the Wolf Guard Battle Leader and Space Wolves Ancient, but failed to get in. 

In the fight phase, Azrael struck at the Terminator, causing three wounds and 2 mortal wounds (caused by rolling a 6 to wound). The mortal wounds took the Terminator down to a single wound, so I was optimistic about killing him. However, Chris made all three 5+ invulnerable saves thanks to a single command point re-roll. 
The Lieutenant and Ancient struck at the Space Wolf, but could not get past his Terminator save. The Terminator struck back at Azrael, doing 2 wounds, but I made both invulnerable saves. 

At the end of the phase, Chris used the Lone Wolf stratagem once more to make the lone Terminator a character. 

In my turn, I scored No Prisoners, and did not have to discard any cards. 

Space Wolves- 2
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 6

At the end of turn 2, I was in a good position. I was ahead on victory points and had caused a fair bit of damage to the enemy army. However, there were a number of Space Wolves characters running about that could cause damage, with more coming each turn thanks to the Lone Wolf stratagem!

In his third turn, Chris drew Kingslayer, Hold the Line and Defend Objective 2 to go with Defend Objective 1, Secure Objective 5 and Defend Objective 6. 

The Terminator and Wolf Lord moved up on the Dark shroud, while the Rune Priest and Wolf Scouts moved up towards the Intercessors. The Blood Claws moved up on the remaining Dark Angels Scouts, while the Grey Hunters moved up on the Hellblasters. 

The final unit of Wolf Scouts came in behind the Intercessors in my deployment zone. The Wolf Guard Battle Leader moved to secure the nearby objective. 

In the psychic phase, the surviving Rune Priest cast Smite, killing three Devastators. He then cast Living Lightning, taking two wounds from the Darkshroud. 

The shooting phase began with the Scouts firing at the Intercessors, killing two of the squad with their Plasma Guns. The other Wolf Scout unit fired at the lone Intercessor, wounding three times but failing to get past his armour. The Meltagun in the squad hit, but failed to wound, leaving the Primaris Marine alive to defend the objective. 

The Lone Wolf Terminator fired at the Devastators, but failed to do any damage. The Grey Hunters fired on the Hellblaster Squad, killing one. The Hellblaster was able to fire back (thanks to the Ancient), overcharging and killing two of the Grey Hunters. 

The Wolf Guard Battle Leader fired at the Deathwatch Veterans, killing one of them. The Rune Priest fired at the Deathwatch Intercessors, wounding three times, but I made all my armour saves. 

In the charge phase, the Blood Claws assaulted the Dark Angels Scouts, one dying to overwatch fire. The Grey Hunters charged the Hellblasters, losing one more to the enemy Plasma fire. The Terminator charged the Darkshroud, rolling a 2" charge initially, but getting in with a command point re-roll. The newly arrived Scout Squad failed to charge the last Intercessor on the objective. 

In the fight phase, the Grey Hunters attacked the Hellblasters, killing one. The Blood Claws tore into the enemy Scouts, easily wiping out the squad. The Terminator managed to put two wounds on the Darkshroud. 

I then got to attack, thanks to the Eye of the Unseen relic forcing the Lone Wolf to strike last. Azrael struck at the Terminator, killing him where he failed before. The Hellblasters struck at the Grey Hunters, killing one of the squad and leaving a lone Terminator once more. 

Chris once again used the Lone Wolf stratagem on the Lone Terminator in combat with the Hellblasters to boost his abilities. 

At the end of his turn, Chris scored Hold the Line and Secure Objective 5. He had to discard Kingslayer, and I scored Defend Objective 3. 

In my turn, I drew Secure Objective 2, Defend Objective 2 and Secure Objective 6 to go with Scour the Skies and Mission Critical Objective (objective 6). A pretty good draw for me, concentrating my forces on two objectives. 

The Darkshroud and Hellblasters fell back from combat, while Azrael and the Ancient moved up on objective 2. The Deathwatch Intercessors moved up towards the nearby objective. The Assassin moved up to engage the Wolf Scouts. 

The Deathwatch Captain arrived from reserves, landing near objective 2. 

In the shooting phase, the Assassin fired at the Wolf Scouts, killing three of the squad. The Devastators killed one more of the squad. 

Azrael, the Lieutenant and Ancient fired at the Lone Wolf Terminator that was in combat with the Hellblasters, taking two wounds from him. 

The Deathwatch Intercessors fired at the Space Wolves Ancient, easily killing him. The Deathwatch Veterans fired at the Wolf Guard Battle Leader, taking 2 wounds from him. 

In the charge phase, the Culexus Assassin charged the Wolf Scouts. The Meltagun in the squad managed to hit and wound in overwatch. I failed my invulnerable save, using my last command point but failing once more, taking three wounds in the process. To add to the insult, the Wolf Guard hit and wounded with his Storm Bolters. I failed my invulnerable again and the Assassin was on a single wound!

Azrael managed to charge the Wolf Guard Battle Leader, the Ancient joining him. The Deathwatch Captain failed to make the charge. Chris then performed a Heroic Intervention with the Lone Wolf Terminator, charging the Hellblasters. 

In the fight phase, Azrael struck, hitting 5 times but only managing a single wound! The Battle Leader took 2 damage. The Dark Angels Ancient was unable to finish off the Battle Leader, but at least he was now outnumbered on the objective. 

The Assassin struck at the Scouts, killing one. 

The Lone Wolf Terminator then attacked the Hellblasters, doing two wounds. However, I made both 6+ armour saves! The Primaris Marines struck back, but failed to do any damage. 

The Battle Leader struck at Arael, doing a single wound on the enemy warlord. Finally, the Wolf Scout attacked and did a single wound on the Assassin. I once more failed my invulnerable save (I hadn't made a single one) and the Culexus perished. 

At the end of my turn, I scored Mission Critical Objective for 2 points, Secure Objective 2 and Secure Objective 6. Chris also scored Defend Objective 1. 

Space Wolves- 8
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 13

At the end of turn 3, I had gone far ahead in points, with few Space Wolves units left to threaten my hold on the enemy deployment zone. Equally, the Space Wolves had gained almost complete control on my deployment zone.

Chris drew Mission Critical Objective (objective 2), Defend Objective 4 and Heroes of Fenris (start within 1" of an enemy unit) to go with Defend Objective 2 and Defend Objective 6. Not a great round of cards for Chris once more.

The two unit of Wolf Scouts converged on the Dark Angels backline, while the Rune Priest moved away to get a new target. The Wolf Guard Terminator and Wolf Lord moved up on the Dark Angels Hellblasters, while the Blood Claws advanced towards them. The other Wolf Guard Battle Leader moved up on the Deathwatch Intercessors.

In the psychic phase, the Rune Priest cast Smite, killing one Hellblaster. Living Lightning was then able to target the Darkshroud, taking one wound from it, taking it down to a single wound. 

The Wolf Scouts with the Plasma Guns targeted the Devastators, killing both of them. The other Wolf Scout fired at the Intercessor, taking a wound from the last member of the squad. 

The Rune Priest fired at the Deathwatch Intercessors, but failed to do any damage. The Lone Wolf Terminator fired on the Darkshroud, but failed to down the enemy skimmer. The Wolf Guard Battle Leader threw a Krak grenade at the Deathwatch Intercessors, killing one of the squad. 

In the charge phase, the Wolf Lord attempted an 11" charge on the Hellblasters, but only rolled a 10. So close, yet so far! The Lone Wolf Terminator charged in to support his brother Terminator already engaged with the Hellblasters. The Wolf Guard Battle Leader charged the Deathwatch Intercessors. Finally, the Wolf Guard that was part of the Wolf Scout squad charged the lone Dark Angels Intercessor. 

The Terminator attacked the Hellblasters, killing both of them. The Wolf Guard killed the last Dark Angel Intercessor, while the Wolf Guard Battle Leader killed one Deathwatch Intercessor. The other Battle Leader attacked Azrael, wounding twice, but failing to get past his invulnerable save. 

Azrael struck back, killing the Space Wolf character. The Lieutenant attacked the Terminator on a single wound, but was unable to finish him off. The Terminator struck back, taking two wounds from the Dark Angels' Lieutenant. 

The Deathwatch Intercessors then attacked, taking a single wound from the Battle Leader. 

At the end of his turn, Chris scored 2 points for Heroes of Fenris and chose to discard Mission Critical Objective. I also scored Defend Objective 2. 

In my turn, I drew Secure Objective 5, Kingslayer and Assassinate to go with Scour the Skies. 

The Lieutenant fell back from combat, as Azrael, the Ancient and the Watch Captain moved up to engage the Space Wolves. The Watch Master moved between the Intercessors and Veterans. The Darkshroud backed off from the enemy guns. 

In the shooting phase, the Deathwatch Intercessors fired Vengeance Rounds from their Bolt Pistols at the Battle Leader, taking a further 2 wounds from him. 

Azrael fired his Plasma Gun on the single wound Terminator, causing two wounds, but Chris saved both on a 6+! The Ancient fired his Bolt Rifle, finally killing him. 

The Deathwatch Veterans turned their Storm Bolters on the other Terminator, obliterating him in a hail of Bolter fire. 

In the charge phase, the Watch Master assaulted the Battle Leader in combat with the Intercessors. Meanwhile, Azrael and the Watch Captain assaulted the Blood Claws. 

The Watch Master struck at the Space Wolves character, killing him. Azrael attacked the Blood Claws, killing 5 of the squad. The Watch Captain was able to kill three more of the squad. The Blood Claw with the Power Fist struck back, putting two wounds on the Watch Captain. 

In the morale phase, the last of the Blood Claws fled the battlefield. 

At the end of the turn, I scored Assassinate for 2 points (for killing 3 characters). 

Space Wolves- 10
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 18

The Dark Angels were continuing to build up the scoreline, thanks to Chris having to discard cards he could not achieve.

In his fifth turn, Chris drew Defend Objective 5, Behind Enemy Lines and Hunt with Cunning (kill an enemy unit) to go with Defend Objective 2, Defend Objective 6 and Secure Objective 6.

The Rune Priest and Wolf Lord moved up on the Deathwatch Veterans, while one of the Wolf Scout units went to hide in the ruins.

The Rune Priest unleashed his psychic fury at the Deathwatch Veterans, killing three with Smite and one with Living Lightning.

In the shooting phase, the Rune Priest targeted the Darkshroud, hitting once, but failing to wound. The Wolf Scouts fired at the Veterans, but failed to do any damage against the Storm Shields of the unit.

The Wolf Lord attempted to charge the Deathwatch Veterans. He took a single wound in overwatch, and also failed the charge.

At the end of his turn, Chris scored Behind Enemy Lines for 2 points. He also chose to discard Defend Objective 2 and Secure Objective 6, giving me 3 points.

In my turn, I drew Secure Objective 2, Secure Objective 4 and Defend Objective 6 to go with Kingslayer, Scour the Skies and Secure Objective 5.

The Deathwatch Veterans moved up on the Wolf Lord, accompanied by Azrael, the Master and the Watch Captain. The Darkshroud advanced to claim the backfield objective, while the Ancient moved up on another objective.

In the shooting phase, the Deathwatch Veterans fired at the Wolf Lord with their Vengeance Shells, killing him (after causing 11 wounds).

The Intercessors fired at the Rune Priest, taking a single wound from him. The Watch Master fired at him, taking another two wounds from him.

At the end of my turn, I scored Kingslayer for 2 points, Slay the Warlord, Secure Objective 2 and Secure Objective 6.

Space Wolves- 12
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 26

At the end of turn 5, I was well in the lead for victory points, and there were very few Space Wolves units left alive. It seemed like it was just a matter of seeing how long the game would last. We rolled to see if the game would continue and it did.

This turn, Chris drew Secure Objective 1, Secure Objective 2 and Counter-Attack to go with Defend Objective 4, Defend Objective 6 and Hunt with Cunning.

The Rune Priest and Wolf Scouts moved up on the objective and Deathwatch.

In the psychic phase, the Rune Priest cast Smite, killing two Veterans. He then failed to manifest Living Lightning.

The Rune Priest killed one of the Veterans with his Storm Bolter. The Wolf Scouts overcharged their Plasma Guns, losing one of the squad and killing one Deathwatch Veteran.

In the charge phase, the Rune Priest made an 11" charge, and was able to slay the last of the Deathwatch Veterans. He consolidated into the Intercessors. The Deathwatch struck at the Rune Priest, but was unable to do any harm.

At the end of his turn, Chris scored Hunt with Cunning and discarded Secure Objective 1 and Secure Objective 2.

In my turn, I drew Hold the Line, Supremacy and Secure Objective 4 to go with Secure Objective 5, Scour the Skies and Defend Objective 6.

The Deathwatch Intercessors fell back and moved to defend the objective, while the Watch Captain moved up on the Wolf Scouts. Azrael and the Lieutenant moved to engage the Rune Priest.

In the shooting phase, the remaining forces targeted the Rune Priest, but were unable to do any damage.

In the charge phase, Azrael, the Watch Master and the Lieutenant assaulted the Rune Priest. The Watch Captain charged the Wolf Scouts.

Azrael struck at the Rune Priest, slaying him. The Watch Captain was able to slay the three Wolf Scouts in combat and consolidate onto the objective.

At the end of my turn, I scored Supremacy for 2 points, Secure Objective 4 and Secure Objective 5.

Space Wolves- 12
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 32

We rolled to see if the game would end, and it did not.

Chris drew Big Game Hunter, Area Denial and Master the Warp, to go with Counter-Attack, Defend Objective 4 and Defend Objective 6.

With only a single model left on the board, the Wolf Scout Leader fired at the Deathwatch Captain, but failed to do any damage.

At the end of his turn, Chris scored Area Denial and discarded Big Game Hunter and Counter-Attack. I also scored Defend Objective 6.

In my final turn, I drew Blood and Guts, Secure Objective 1 and Secure Objective 6, to go with Scour the Skies, Hold the Line and Defend Objective 6.

The Watch Captain moved up on the last Wolf Scout. He charged the Wolf Guard and was able to kill him in combat.

At the end of my turn, I scored Blood and Guts and Secure Objective 6. I also got Linebreaker. I was forced to discard Secure Objective 1.

Space Wolves- 13
Dark Angels/Deathwatch- 39

A decisive win for the Dark Angels and Deathwatch.

Thanks to Chris for a fun game, just a shame it wasn't a bit closer.

I think that Chris had a good plan overall, but was let down by the scenario and some luck during the game.

I think in turn 2, if I was Chris I would have focused more of my efforts on the south end of the battlefield, such as the Scouts holding objective 1. If the Terminators had landed near the Scouts, they may have been able to wipe them out with the Rune Priest's Smite and their Storm Bolters. This would have scored him overwhelming firepower and stopped me from getting defend objective 1. I know he was hoping the Blood Claws would make the charge and kill the Scouts, as well as allowing him to start defending the objective, but relying on a 9" charge is not always the best.

The Terminators were hoping to secure objective 5, but the positioning of my Darkshroud meant that they could not deploy within 3" of it. This was pure luck on my part and not some fancy tactical positioning.

The Wolf Scouts arrived on turn 2 and fired at the Dark Angels Intercessors. He killed 2, which then put the Wolf Lord, Wolf Scouts, Rune Priest and Terminators out of charge range of them. He might have been better using a Scout unit to shore up the Long Fangs to stop me bringing my Deathwatch in to take them out. However, this may have put him in range of Auspex Scan from the Hellblasters.

I didn't actually have to discard any cards in this game, making it very useful for the scenario and denying Chris any additional victory points. As it was, Chris had to give me 12 bonus points throughout the course of the game, thanks to his discarded cards.

Overall, the army performed well. The Dark Angels were a solid starting force on the board, and the Deathwatch gave me some much needed board control later in the game. The scenario was also fun, forcing you to really go after the maelstrom cards to avoid giving your opponent extra points.