Good evening guys and girls,

I'm back again, 2 months since my last post............

I do have a valid excuse this time however, I've been working 6 day weeks for the past 7 weeks with another 2 and a half to go before I return to normal hours this has left me with very little free time. Add to this I now have a girlfriend and that time is further constricted.

This means I have failed to really do any hobby at all short of getting a few more corsairs converted up:

Because of this I failed to get my next batch of models done in time for my weekend meet up with Rictus and Nife(Which just so happened to have been this weekend just gone)

Speaking of which a good time was had even if I ended up leaving with the new Tau codex, pathfinders and commander. Then from Forge world I ended up with: 4 Tau Barracuda and 2 Tigersharks for Aeronautica Imperialis as well as the show only Krieg quartermaster. I blame Rictus for all of this......

So my Current plan is to get the corsairs to 1000pts and update my Tau army hopefully when I'm back to my normal work hours I can get back to being productive :-)