I stole this idea from The Dice Abide.  It's a CSM Sorcerer on a bike.

First thing you need to do is prime the model.  I use Vallejo Surface Primer.  Great stuff.
Buy the big bottles

I used Miniataire Royal Blood for the shadows and Lagoon Blue for the base color.  The pic below shows the initial spray of the Royal Blue.

I then added "Lagoon Blue" leaving the areas on the top of the bikes for "Envy Green"  I didn't like how the green looked and did the front "wind shield" of the bike using all "Lagoon Blue" and then followed it up with "Ghost Tint - Green"
As you can see with the photos, it darkened the green and the areas with the blue still show some blue through it.

I then began to add black to the engine parts and then add the chrome.  I used Vallejo Pure Black and Model Air Chrome

Next I began work on the sorcerer.  As listed in the Dice Abide article, I ordered the parts I needed from the War Store because I didn't use Spiky Bits this time.  I ordered the following parts:

Ravenwing torso and legs (It comes in a set)
Book from the Chaos Lord
The helmet I liked the best
Sword from the Possessed Marines

I followed the same paint scheme as with my normal marines.  The one difference is I made the robe blue and the interior green.  So it has less of the initial pop as my other marine units.

Then you start putting the parts together to make the sorcerer.

I noticed too late to fix it but his body isn't straight.  This will mean that the arm attached to the bike will need to be affixed with some green stuff.  I did some very poor free hand but it's there.

I did more work on the bike.  I added the book.  Obviously, it could only stay if the forces of Chaos helped it.

This is it without a base.  I need to buy one but I think it's close to ready.

I need to add some washes to it but it's about table ready.  I will take some pics of the finished model with some pigments and washes added.