Hi everyone, today I have an update on what is happening with me and the blog in the coming weeks.
I just wanted to put some thoughts down on what has been happening and what is coming up for St Andrews Wargaming.
First up, written battle reports have been a bit sparse recently. Don't worry, this is not a waning interest from me on the side of written reports. My games for the battle reports get played at the Spiky Club in Reading on a Friday night. This means that from time to time I don't get a game each week if I am away for the weekend or have plans on the Friday (a rarity, I assure you!). The last few weeks have been a bit sparse through illness and visits home, etc. I'm also going to be busy and away at tournaments for the next few weeks, so reports may be a little light for the coming weeks.
Don't worry though, I'll be attending the Warfare tournament in Reading and another tournament up in Stockport in November. This means I'll have 10 tournament battle reports to write up come the end of November and December, so plenty of great content to come there.
I am also very excited for the upcoming Ork codex. I'll be picking this up next weekend, and hope to get a full review out the following week, to see what goodness the new book has in store for me. I also hope to get some battle reports done very soon with the new codex.
On the hobby side, I am close to completing my Genestealer Cult army. I have a few Neophyte Hybrids and Acolyte Hybrids to paint up to finish the force (at least, until the codex comes and brings some new toys). After that, I am planning to take a good look at my Primaris army for the Dark Angels. I have a host of new units to paint up and hope to play some all Primaris games to try to see if I can do well with the army.
I'll also be hoping to do more video battle reports in addition. I hope people are enjoying these, as they are fun to do and a nice change of pace from the written battle reports. I just published a great one yesterday with my Genestealer Cults and have another with my tournament Dark Angels/Deathwatch army that I need to get edited.