Belisarius Cawl during a period of development and cooperation with the Forge World of Mezoa, time and location unknown.

The Magos Dominus Secondary Ortan Rho-Septimal and Tertiary Orgol Ferrum-Bellator of the Triumvirate of Mezoa. Node-Regents of the Mezoan Enclave and honoured devotes of the Omnissah. 
It is common amongst the Tertiary Node-Regents to modify their identifiers with those of one of the great defenders of Mezoa from the days of the heresy as is the case here, although the origin of the taken name and if the addended moniker is a familial/genetic/clade designation are unknown to all save those of Mezoa.

The term Node-Regent is a logical and calculated progression from the ancient Mezoan title of "Norn-Regent",whilst this is honourific of "Norn" may be taken as a "female" designator the term is part of the history of Mezoa dating back to the days before the Heresy and was used regardless of the gender, such as things are within the Mechanicus, and is the highest rank within the forges of Mezoa. Over successive millenia this term of address has developed to the term "Node-Regent" to prevent confusion amongst those outside of the sphere of Mezoa.