Issue 15 of Warhammer Conquest is now available at retail with the Biologus Putrifier contained within.

He is the second Nurgle character available after the Foul Blightspawn a couple of weeks ago.

Time for some group photographs now.  First off, the Plague Marine Death Guard.  These are predominantly the easy build versions with some green stuff and eBay purchased bits conversions.

I have eighteen of the Poxwalkers.  Again these are the easy build versions so there are six different sculpts reoeated three times.  For some variety there are different paint schemes, some weapon swaps or clipping off of growths to try and increase the diversity.

Finally for now, three Blight Haulers with some conversions or brass for the trims to create some differences.

Removal of the track armour and swapping sides for the multimelta and missile launcher.

Brass instead of gold for the trim.