I have not really finished anything for the last two weeks as work has taken most of my time. But I have been working on the back piece of Varangian though, even if it is far from done yet. It is painful painting as the piece is to large to hold comfortably and there are so much details to do. So far I have put in the base colors and some initial weathering. The bones are prepared for dry-brushing. Then I will have to do the bronze borders and clean up the weathering. I also decided to try my hand at some free hand emblems on the sides of the reactor exhausts. I am not happy with how they turned out but I will leave them as is as removing them is a very large undertaking. I think the problem was that I did not have a real Idea of what they should look like so I improvised as I went along, and that shows. They are not as symmetric as I would have wished and the line work is not my best. Perhaps I should not practice such things on this model... but, well that has been the modus operandi for this model all along. I will not see it fully assembled until I have finished painting it, so there is really no way of telling how it will turn out. Hope fully I will be able to finish the body over Christmas so that I can get going with the weapons during spring. So if all things work out Varangian might be done to summer.