Good news! On Tuesday I made major strides with the scratchbuilt titan. I was having trouble cutting the pvc since I don't have a mitre. I bought one, but the saw I was using wasn't good enough. I was getting discouraged and decided to wait till I could get a jigsaw from my parents (yeah, I know I should own one already, but I haven't really filled out a propper tool box yet), when I had a thought. I needed to get my dremel out for another project (more on that later, I've been converting a Plano gun case into a mini carrying case!), why not use it to cut and sand the pvc sections so they are the right size.


As you can see, this was successful! I have assembled the entire body. I even added the pistons I was missing, although there are 8 more that are supposed to be connecting the waist to the leggs I haven't done yet. I also want to add some design to the caps on the pvc, so it looks a little less scratchbuilt. I also need to get a fine grit sandpaper to start working on cleaning up my liquid greenstuff work. That's on the shopping list for today.





I noticed that the legs aren't quite flush, but it stands quite firmly if something is under the right foot. As such, I will be modeling the titan crushing something, I haven't decided what yet. Probably a Chaos Rhino.


I also got one of the gun arms off to a start, not nearly done detailing it though.