Hi All

Bluddtoof here with another update on my progress towards the next game in our narrative campaign; The Cypra Incident. This has been running for a couple of years now but it has achieved our shared goal of incentivising both of us to paint up our outstanding kits. We were talking about this a couple of months ago and have an end point for the campaign in mind; 3 games to go with mission 5 scheduled for early Feb 2019, hopefully mission 6 later in the year and the big finale sometime in 2020. That last mission will be a monster with us fielding almost everything we can!

Onto the latest completed project for the Beasts forces in the Cypra Invasion....

6 shiny new Deff Koptas, this makes a total of nine in my collection. If you're old enough you'll spot that this is the kopta contingent from 3 Assault on Black Reach box sets. Also where 3 of my marine dreadnought came from! And yes that's how long overdue these bad boyz are! So scratch one from the  to do list.

More pics...

I diverged from my old ork paint style again, as I have been doing with recent models, trying to bring the style up to date with my improving skills but at the same time keeping the models look in line with the existing army. This has worked well with recent stuff but with these koptas I think I went with too many bold colours, they don't have the red look common the my older stuff but they should blend in ok in a larger force. Not to self to make sure in future to keep plenty of red panels in there!

Hope you like em. C & C welcome as ever.
