I had a game this weekend and decided to take Blood Angels and Custodes leaving the Deathwatch at home. Here’s my army list:

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Blood Angels) [978 pts] ++

+ HQ [284 pts] +

Captain [124 pts]
Jump Pack - The Hammer of Baal - Storm Shield
+Warlord (Gift of Foresight)

Chief Librarian Mephiston [160 pts]
The Quickening, Shield of Sanguinius, Wings of Sanguinius

+ Troops [110 pts] +

Scout Squad [55 pts]
4x Scout - Bolt Pistol - Combat Knife
Scout Sergeant - Bolt Pistol - Chainsword

Scout Squad [55 pts]
4x Scout - Bolt Pistol - Combat Knife
Scout Sergeant - Bolt Pistol - Chainsword

+ Elites [529 pts] +

Death Company [232 pts]
2x Death Company Marine - Bolt Pistol - Power Fist
2x Death Company Marine - Thunder Hammer
3x Death Company Marine - Bolt Pistol - Power Sword
3x Death Company Marine - Bolt Pistol - Chainsword

Death Company Dreadnought [148 pts]
Furioso Fist (pair) - Heavy flamer (pair) - Smoke Launchers

Vanguard Veteran Squad [149 pts]
Space Marine Veteran - 2x Lightning Claw
Space Marine Veteran - Lightning Claw - Storm Shield
2x Space Marine Veteran - Power Axe - Storm Shield
Space Marine Veteran - Power sword - Storm Shield
Veteran Sergeant - Melta bombs - Thunder Hammer - Storm Shield

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Adeptus Custodes) [1027 pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Open the Vaults (1 Relic)

+ HQ [345 pts] +

Captain-General Trajann Valoris [185 pts]

Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [160 pts]
Auric Aquilis - Hurricane Bolter

+ Elites [682 pts] +

Allarus Custodians [316 pts]
4x Allarus Custodian - 4x Castellan Axe

Custodian Wardens [242 pts]
3x Warden - 3x Castellan Axe - 3x Misericordia
Warden - Guardian Spear - Misericordia

Vexillus Praetor [124 pts]
Castellan Axe - Vexilla Magnifica

++ Total: [1945 pts] ++

My opponent decided to field his new Ork army... here’s his army list:

++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Orks) [1999 pts] ++

+ No Force Org Slot +

Clan Kultur: Bad Moons

+ HQ [12 PL, 240pts] +

Warboss [90 pts] Kombi-Rokkit - Power Klaw
+Warlord (Ard as Nails)

Big Mek [88 pts]
Kustom Force Field - Power Klaw

Weirdboy [62 pts]
Da Jump, Fists of Gork, Warpath - 2x Warphead (1 CP)

+ Troops [603 pts] +

Boyz [215 pts]
3x Tankbusta Bombs
Boss Nob - Big Choppa - Slugga
29x Ork Boy - Sluggas & Choppas

Boyz [215 pts]
3x Tankbusta Bombs
Boss Nob - Big Choppa - Slugga
29x Ork Boy - Sluggas & Choppas

Boyz [83 pts]
Tankbusta Bombs
Boss Nob - Power Klaw - Slugga
9x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

Gretchin [30pts]
10x Gretchin

Gretchin [30 pts]
10x Gretchin

Gretchin [30 pts]
10x Gretchin

+ Elites [326 pts] +

Nob with Waaagh! Banner [90 pts]
Kustom Shoota - Power Klaw

Painboy [65 pts]
Power Klaw

Tankbustas [171 pts]
2x Bomb Squig
Boss Nob - Rokkit Launcha
7x Tankbusta - 7x Rokkit Launcha
Tankbusta - Tankhammer

+ Fast Attack [388 pts] +

Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy [140 pts]

Shokkjump Dragstas [120 pts]
Rokkit Launcha

Warbikers [128 pts]
Boss Nob - Power Klaw - Slugga - Stikkbombs
4x Warbiker - 4x Stikkbombs

+ Heavy Support [442 pts] +

Battlewagon [157 pts]
'ard Case- 2x Big Shoota - Killkannon - Rokkit Launcha

Deff Dread [115 pts]
4x Dread Klaw

Lootas [170 pts]
10x Loota

++ Total: [1999 pts] ++

We decided the play a custom mission based on one of the new Eternal War missions from CA2018:

There are four objective markers and each player takes turn placing them... they must be at least 12" apart and at least 6" from any board edge. Starting on the second turn each player scores a victory point at the start of their turn for each objective marker they hold. You also can score a victory point for First Strike, Slay the Warlord and Line Breaker.

Deployment was Hammer Anvil and I won the rolloff opting to go first and my opponent didn’t seize. The objective markers turned out to be placed roughly in a diamond pattern with one in each deployment zone.

I held my Allarus Custodians, Death Company and Vanguard Veterans in deep strike reserve. I infiltrated one scout squad forward inside of a big ruin in the center of the table and placed the other scout squad at the back of the ruin on the objective marker in my deployment zone. I placed the rest of my units behind the central ruin so they would out of line of sight from the Orks.

My opponent placed his deff dread in deep strike reserve. His lootaz were placed on top of a ruin deep in his deployment zone and spread out the rest of his army across the table with his characters behind all the Boyz.

+ 1st Turn - Imperium
My forward scouts immediately dropped back in the central ruin away from the Boyz. The Custodes moved staying behind the ruin such that they could draw line of sight on the Warbikes. I was able to kill two of the Ork bikers and that was my turn.

+ 1st Turn - Orks
One of the big squad of Boyz spread out to cut off my deep strike zones next turn. The Rukkatruk surged forward jumping on top of one of the central objective markers while the Battlewagon (Tank Bustaz embarked inside) pulled up behind the Warbikes to lend support now sitting on the other central objective marker. The Warphead then buffed the other big squad of Boyz and jumped them over beside my castle. Note our psykers were outside of deny range of each other this turn. The shooting phase saw two Wardens slain along with three of my scouts sitting on my objective marker. He then attempted to charge my castle with the teleporting Boyz; I then promptly burned one of my four command points to toss a tanglefoot grenade subtracting 2" from their charge range which they promptly failed even with the reroll. Overwatch accounted for around five dead Boyz.

Score -> Imperium: 0, Orks: 0

+ 2nd Turn - Imperium
This turn I had three priority goals - eliminate the teleporting Boyz, Warbikes and Rukkatruk. The latter two enemy units had to go in order to prevent my opponent from scoring victory points for holding the central objective markers. My Warlord moved towards the Warbikes, while my Shield-Captain, Praetor and Death Company dreadnaught moved towards the Boyz. Mephiston moved over to charge the Rukkatruk from inside the central ruin. The Wardens moved inside the central ruin. I then ended my movement phase deep striking the Allarus Custodians behind the central ruin. Mephiston first cast Smite dropping two wounds on the Rukkatruk then also successfully cast the Quickening.

My shooting phase was good this turn - the Warlord killed one of the Warbikes with a krak grenade and combined shooting into the Boyz cut them down to a manageable size. Mephiston also dropped another wound on the Rukkatruk not overcharging.

During the assault phase my Warlord cut down the rest of the Ork bikers, Mephiston trashed the Rukkatruk (didn’t explode) and the golden men assisted by the Death Company dreadnaught finished off the Boyz. My Warlord consolidated into the Battlewagon and took no wounds back in return.

+ 2nd Turn - Orks
I knew this could be a painful turn but but so far I had achieved all my goals. My opponent began the turn speeding the Shokkjump Dragsta over to take the place of the wrecked Rukkatruk. The Tank Busta Boyz disembarked from the Battlewagon which then fell back. The remaining big squad of Boyz moved and advanced forward just outside the central ruin. One squad of grots moved over to hold the other central objective marker. Finally the deff dredd teleported in position to charge my Allarus Custodians. Everything else held its ground to the best of my recollection.

The Warphead periled during the psychic phase losing two wounds in the process, teleporting his Lootaz behind my golden men such that the Shield-Captain and Praetor were both the closest targets.

The shooting phase saw my Warlord eliminated by the Tank Bustaz (note the bomb squigs only managed to strip a couple of wounds from my dreadnaught) and I burned another precious command point to make the Shield-Captain my new Warlord; Trajann then used his Moment Shackle to give me back one more command point. The Shokkjump Dragsta dropped a wound on the Lord of the Death then the Lootaz managed to shoot down both my Shield-Captain and Praetor using a stratagem to shoot twice.

The deff dredd just made the charge into my Allarus Custodians with a reroll but whiffed and was cut down in return. The Boyz hurled into my forward scouts obliterating them to the man. Mephiston heroically intervened into the dragsta and destroyed it. Wow that was a painful round on both sides !

We had scored one victory point each for holding an objective (start of player turn respectively), each in our own deployment zones.

Score -> Imperium: 1, Orks: 2 (StWL)

+ 3rd Turn - Imperium
I scored two victory points at the start of my third turn due to Mephiston holding one of the central objective markers and my remaining squad of scouts holding the marker in my deployment zone. Trajann moved straight toward the Lootaz to avenge his fallen brothers. Mephiston moved forward to hopefully assassinate the Warboss, right beside the Boyz in case he wasn’t able to successfully cast Wings. Both the Allarus Custodians and Wardens moved beside the big squad of Boyz in the central ruin to shoot and assault them. The Death Company dreadnaught moved towards the Tank Bustaz. There was just enough space in the back of my opponent’s deployment zone to drop the Death Company while my Vanguard Veterans deep struck on top of one of the central objective markers.

The Lord of Death successful cast Wings of Sanguinius on an 8 but the Warphead just managed to deny it using his last command point for a reroll. He then successfully cast the Quickening.

Everything inside the central ruin that could shot the Boyz doing significant damage. The Death Company dreadnaught flamed to death the Tank Bustaz and Trajann shot down two of the Lootaz.

The Death Company just made the multi-charge into the grots sitting on the other central objective marker and several enemy characters. The golden men along with Mephiston charged the Boyz while Trajann got stuck into the Lootaz taking no damage from overwatch. The Death Company dreadnaught charged the Battlewagon.

The Boyz and Gretchin were both utterly destroyed while Trajann finished off all but two of the remaining Lootaz. My dreadnaught put several huge dents into the Battlewagon. Finally the Ork characters struck back killing several of the Death Company. My opponent conceded then the game at this point.

Game Summary:
This was my first game versus the new codex Orks... they are definitely very good but I felt my opponent made some questionable decisions during the game which cost him such as focusing a lot of his resources on my Shield-Captain. This list of mine was designed primarily to use some old models that have been collecting dust since 5th Edition. The Death Company making the charge was super clutch. I only had four command points and had to use them wisely while my opponent quickly burned though all of his by his final turn.