Parallel to my to my painting on Varangian and Armigers I have been slowly chipping away on another Vorax and yet a new version of my Necron conversion skitarii.

The vorax has a slightly odd stance as I did not want it to stick its gun into the ground as per the original pose. Instead I intended to make it like it was sneaking around in a looping stride. Well it did not really turn out as I wanted but I am still quite pleased with the result.

As for the skitarii I did some necron conversions before the official skitarii kits were released. I do like the official skitarii models but they are a 10 monopose kit and I am not to sure about the robes on all of them. I have said it before and I will again. A mechanicum necorn aesthetic mix would have been a sweet looking army. Be that as it may. I wanted to make some terminator looking skitarii so once again I took out the necron warrior box and started cutting up the legs and reposing them. Then instead of using the gaus weapon nozzle as heads I used some left over skitarii heads. I also hade some weapons over from a rust stalker kit, hence the name, Sicarian stalkers. I also added some skitarii back packs that will be left over after I build some of the FW skitarii. All in all I think they fit better with my cybernetica army than the first versions. I think I have parts to build another 5 man squad so I might just do that,... at some point.

Now I will just have to press on with the Varangian and the Hellverins...