Jennie's back posting at Nine Worlds, Ten Thousand Things after a rough few months, and hot on the heels of C'nor at Lunching on Lamias too, another much missed blogger.

Following her lead diving back into the flash fiction, here's mine this week. For everyone who wasn't around, Flash Fearsday is a horror-themed narrative, in just 140 characters.
The blade lops off my head.
Heart, lungs, gut see Descartes' error: mind-body separation. Quick, they scream, where are we?

Three other inspirations could have been the aftermath post at Middenmurk - a fine read, and not just for wargamers - this post at The Acorn Afloat, and the death of Paolo Soleri.

If you fancy having a go, and it is good fun, you can post at your blog or over at Jennie's.