As we were made aware in October last year Google+ will be going away. I raised the question what would happen to our G+ comments integrated into the blog. It would appear we now have the answer - they are just going to be scrapped. Everyone will be reverting to standard blogger comments and everything anyone has ever posted will be deleted. So we can all look forward to our blogs being denuded of any evidence of interaction with followers and friends whatsoever.

With no possibility to migrate the comments I'm really kicking myself that I didn't follow through with my plan to switch in October. When I did it all went wrong anyway - with a vision of what was to come all the G+ comments disappeared, when I reinstated G+ they came back but the dashboard data of how many comments attached to each blog post was reset to zero. This ultimately led me to [mistakenly] stick with G+ comments in the hope Google would offer some workaround/migration protocol. That would appear not to be the case.

Not only have Google failed to do something in the interim they couldn't even be bothered to confirm the situation well in advance - Google's own blogpost on the topic is full of people disappointed/annoyed at this failure and the irony that their own G+ commentary will also disappear has not been lost on them. Obviously I'm really annoyed, and particularly with all the personal support I've received from everyone recently the thought that that interaction will be culled is upsetting, but probably we're powerless to do anything...

So, where does that leave us, well I wasn't going to take down the G+ comments just yet as I was hopeful some migration or at the least 3rd party archival guide would appear but it looks like we've already been moved over to blogger commenting, so BE AWARE.

However, you may want to explore this:

Blogger and other sites may use Google+ for their commenting system. Comments on blogs may also exist as posts or comments on Google+. This feature will be removed from Blogger by Feb 4th and other sites by March 7th. All your Google+ comments on all sites will be deleted starting April 2, 2019. You can download and save these comments.
So give it a click and download all your comments, you have until April 2nd when all G+ comments will be removed! I think it might specifically be the Google+ Stream, as that has 'comments' in. Whether that is just your comments or comments left on your blog as well I'll have to see, currently my Stream is clocking in at 2GB so it might take a while...