Rob Baer, the founder and owner of Spikey Bits, has announced he is closing down the bits sales after Games Workshop ridiculously bullshit policy was announced that retailers would not be allowed to sell their product off the sprue.   You can read all about it on his blog here.

Rob basically started the bits business a number of years ago with Battlewagon Bits, sold that business to The War Store, went to work there and then headed off to start his own game store in Virginia.

I am a huge fan of Rob.  He is a great person, a fun gamer to hang with, and a great entrepreneur.  And if you know anything about me (I started 5 companies and speak on entrepreneurship at local colleges and universities) I love supporting other entrepreneurs, and Rob knows his stuff.  he is a real innovator in gaming retail and I support him whenever I can.

So go buy some bits from Rob and say hi to him at Adepticon!
