For some time now I have been looking at the Ragingheroes range of models. From the images that I have seen , which appeared to be CG, they appear to be very detailed to be 28 mm models. I was really wondering if the models were as detailed as the promotion pictures made them out to be. So when the Harpies came out, and in a nice bundle I decided to give them a try to see what they were like. The models really are very detailed and the assembly process was not for those with butterfingers. There are quite a few very small pieces that needs to be assembled for each model. Sadly there were a bit of mold slippage with the following casting lines. Not much, but with these high detail models it does not take much to throw things out of alignment and it is almost impossible to correct it. Apart form that the shape of the pieces was really good and I did not have to heat treat a lot of parts go get them to go together. Once assembled I gave them a black base coat and a three tone paint job with the airbrush. Then I set about laying in the colors using very watered down paints before dry brushing per my usual recipes. I choose to do them in a blue, pink color scheme to go with my Slaanesh models. I am however not sure about this, the Wife does not really like the colors, they look to much like a statue to her. I am not really pleased with how it turned out either but it is getting better as a finish more and more colors. The model presented is a WIP but it is far enough that I might ask the internet for its opinion. So, does it work or does she need a dip in the paint stripper?