If you have ever been to a major GT before, you know that when the table pairings are assigned in between rounds it is complete chaos.  People fighting for the first chance to read who is going where and who they will be facing.  Adepticon is no different.  In fact it is worse do to the size of the event.  I hate the table finding process due to this mad rush.  Anything to alleviate this problem will be a godsend in my book. 

Well it appears that my demands have been answered!  Adepticon is going to be using technology in order to solve this problem.  Instead of posting sheets and having everyone swarm to them like locust, they are going to send table pairings to your cell phone via text message and/or e-mail.   How cool is that!  If I am not mistaken, they are the first event to use technology in order to solve this problem.  Assuming it goes off without a hitch, I could see it being utilized at all major GTs within the year.

So how does it work?

This trial is only going to be used for the Warhammer 40k Championships, Gladiator, and the Team Tournament.

All you have to do is sign a permission form which is located here.

Fill out a few questions and hit submit.

And assuming everything goes to plan you should receive a text something along the lines of:

"[AdeptiCon 40K Champs] Christopher Mehrstedt, you are on Table 124 for Rd 1. If you have questions, see the judge’s station."

Naturally, there is the potential for a few problems, including faulty software, user error, imputing the wrong information, not having the majority of people sign up, or not having cell phone reception (good thing I have a new phone now), but I think it is a step in the right direction.  I wish them the best of luck with this program and I hope it takes off.

So what do you guys think about it?  Be sure to sign up if you are attending any of these events!!!