The 2013 campaign is underway!

Now we're in a good groove with Warmachine, and we've got new players this Season!  This time, the games are bigger and the battles more expansive!  Not only that, but there will be more battles this season altogether!

We've decided that the Protectorate of Menoth, having won the first few campaigns in a row, will be our narrative's villains!  That puts everyone else on the back heel, including Cryx...we'll have to wait until Cryx warcasters outnumber their Menite counterparts to consider them a real threat at this time...but they are there, feeding on the helpless.  This will mean they count as Forces of Destruction!  At this time, the Warmachine faction alignments are arranged as thus:

  • Cygnar - Order
  • Retribution of Scyrah - Order
  • Protectorate of Menoth - Destruction
  • Cryx - Destruction
  • Khador - Warcaster Choice
  • Mercenaries - Warcaster Choice
For those, you could really argue it should be each warcasters' choice when you really think about it, but we're not going to.  Factions are set for now, since this is the narrative we've chosen.  When Khadoran or Mercenary warcasters enter the narrative, they will choose Order or Destruction as normal.

Time to start your games up!  You can check the campaign page out by clicking the link in the State of Play or the Inner Sanctum on the right.  Be prepared for more Warmachine goodness coming this Season!