Hey everyone, welcome back to SB40k.  I missed a week there with a post but hopefully I'll be forgiven after doing this post with extra pictures!  First I'll go over my hobby progress and then I'll talk about the game I played last Sunday.

First up, the Soul Grinders.  I've been slowly modifying 2 of my Soul Grinders to fit the theme of the Horror Brains 'Aliens Attack!!!' theme.  So far the progress is going well but there's still a decent amount I'll have to do before I'm ready to prime and repaint them.

The top bubble will house a brain controlling the Soul Grinder beast, of course.  Much of the detail needed is on the guns and around the top portion of the vehicle, mostly around the bubble.  Still, I'm loving the way they look and really can't wait to have them completed.

I've also been working on the Killer Robots the last two days, to be used for the Khorne units in the Daemon army.  Here's what I have so far...

Sufficiently cheesy?  Heck yeah!!  I'm planning on adding additional thickness to the head area at the back with some definition, perhaps a control panel.  I've also added a concave to the eyes for a little definition which isn't in these images.  Cost to make is probably around 30 cents in materials.  I'm also planning a similar version where the bottom half is tank treads with a similar upper body, arms, and head to act as Flesh Hounds of Khorne.  The robots will be an interesting addition, for sure.

As for hobby, it seems I've found a regular Sunday hang out to play games, which is huge for me.  Still making tons of mistakes, but there is so much to keep track of in a Daemon army it's almost mind boggling.  This past Sunday I played a game against 2 armies, everyone at 1500 points.  I played my Tzeentch brain Daemons vs Eldar and an Ork bike list.  Talk about being gimped!  Eldrad made getting psychic powers off nigh impossible and those bikes came in fast and hard.  The game was a blast, though, and I look forward to hopefully playing again this Sunday.

Anyways, hope you're all enjoying my scratch build adventure.  Till next time, happy gaming!