Hello, all.

Storm Clouds Gather

There have been posts in the last few months regarding the "golden age of 40k". I think that it holds true - for whatever reasons, there has been a huge convergence of various individuals, blogs and creations. There are fantastic figures being produced that are really very beautiful. I would, once again, encourage people to check out the Ammobunker INQ28 Sub-Forum, which has been alive with exceptional creativity.

It is, therefore, regrettable that I haven't been able to do any modelling myself. My living arrangements simply don't make it feasible, and in many ways I feel as though this massive tidal wave of creativity is simply passing me by.I've never been a particularly good painter - I enjoy converting figures, and would say I'm pretty good at it. But perhaps never being able to fully realise the concepts in my head has brought about a sort of creative disconnect.

INQvitational Affairs

I've been working on the literature for the 2013 INQvitational, now slated to take place on June 1st. The INQvitational, and events like it, are the only outlet at the moment for my GW hobby. At the moment, we have twenty players signed up for the event, and I've been trying to organise everything to make it as fantastic an event as possible for the players. After all, we have to outdo the previous year's event.

If you are interested in taking part in this year's INQvitational, please contact me via email at the usual address: inq28blog@gmail.com.

This year, I have been exploring the concept of an "international INQvitational", a series of games played in different countries all on the same day, that contribute to an overarching plot. I'm keen to create something of substance and worth, something that makes a difference to the players on the day. I've missed out on so much hobby-related excellence in recent months, and so I want to make this excellent in my own way.

Obviously, that requires a sort of "buy-in" from players in different places. Again, if you are interested in such a concept, let me know via the previous email link.

Harrow and his Hound
Since the last update, PDH has managed to complete his overhaul of the Inquisitor Harrow figure for me:

Posted Image
Posted Image

He's since sent this on to Steve, my captive painting genius, so hopefully we can expect to see something soon.

The talented Jon Flindall (known as RiseoftheMagi) has received a model from me, which he's started to neaten up for me. Here's what he had to say:

Spurred on by the excellent stuff that's been coming out of the AB painting and modelling section of late, I've been having a poke at the xanthite fella. Attached pictures are of some likely boots from a elysian - it should be easy enough for me to blend the trouser-tops into existing ones (they're just tacked on at the mo). The donor model's already got some small kneepads, so I can't see leg armour like Helsmarck's working unless I cut off those, but I reckon the trous/kneepads/boots look in these pics could work?

I've also been trying out some arms - I like the idea of building his existing shoulder pads up a little into eisenhorn-like ones (definitely with a lensey gadget too) in which case his sleeves would probably be coat ones - I think the attached one's ok size wise, though the autopistol would have to be swapped for a cane or scimitar perhaps...

Any thoughts on tabard/chest?

INQ28 Round-Up 
There's plenty of interesting INQ28 going on at the moment - some that's caught my eye are:

"Welcome to Cetus" by The Beard Bunker: I'm really intrigued by the potential of this thread, and would encourage people to keep their eyes on it.

Linguliformean's =][= Retinue: I particularly like the wackiness of the retinue member hanging from a tree!

Ammis Umbau-Schuppen: This thread was brought to my attention by KrautScientist - there's plenty of interesting Inquisitorial conversions here which could be useful fodder for an INQ28 project.