Just over two days until my Wife and I leave for adepticon.  I have made some substantial progress on my list of things to do.  Here is everything completed as to date.

For the Championships:

1) Decide on an army list.  Though I have been diligently play testing the same army, I am still entertaining a few concepts on how to modify it.  Honestly, my army list won't be settled until the day of as that is how I roll.  This also includes printing off an army list... sometimes I forget to do so. 

The list I plan on running is as follows:

Farseer with doom, guide, jetbike, runes of warding, spirit stones, singing spear - 168
Eldar jetbikes (3 man) -66
Eldar jetbikes (3 man) -66
Warp Spiders (6 man) exarch with dual death spinners and withdraw- 164
Warwalkers (3 vehicles) 3x dual scatter lasers -180
Captain on bike with power fist and artificer armor) -175
Dreadnought with 2X twin linked auto cannons -125
Dreadnought with 2X twin linked auto cannons -125
Bike squad (8+1) with 2X melta guns, multi melta attack bike, melta bomb -290
Bike squad (8+1) with 2X melta guns, multi melta attack bike, melta bomb -290
Thunderfire Cannon -100
Thunderfire Cannon -100
Total 1849

Yeah... it has some pitfalls, but it should be entertaining in the very least.   Will it make the top 16?  Well that is a good question.  Looks like we will all find out that in about 5 days.

Warwalker anyone?
2) Build a display board for the championships.  Currently, I don't have a display board for my current army.  It is not that it is complicated, I just haven't been able to find a suitable platform which is light weight and not gigantic.  Something about that whole thing of not being too big and not being too small...

I am currently waiting on the glue to dry on the rest of the snow.  But here are some pictures of what it looks like:

3) Touch up models.  For those of you which have been actively following the blog, I have been sourcing out my army painting duties to a service.  Mainly because I hate painting, but also because of time restraints with all of the happenings over the past year (grad school, work, wedding, and life).  With that being said, even though I have the same guy painting everything, there are some inconsistencies in the basing colors and some details which have just been missed on the models.  There is also some wear and tear on the paint from playing.  Therefore, I will be going back through and fixing errors and touching up mistakes. 

Last night, I finished up applying snow flock to all of the models and painted the bottoms of all the resin bases, so they are consistent.  The army is really coming together.  

4) Design psychic markers.  More for my opponent's reference, I would like to design some psychic power markers to mark which unit is guided and which unit is doomed.  It should speed the game up.

5) Design variable value objectives.  I am not sure that Adepticon is going to have a scouring type mission, where objectives are worth differing amounts of points, but I am going to design 6x 40mm bases with the value of the objective.  I just hate the idea of tearing up paper and using that to mark worth. 

6) Develop an order of operations sheet.  Believe it or not, I have played over 50 games of 6th edition and I still don't have the set up order nailed down.  I also have not memorized the Psychic Powers tables, Warlord Traits, Mysterious Objectives, or the Mysterious Forests rules as well.   In order to save time, I am going to list these all out for easy reference.  This will assist me in both the championships and the team tournament.

7) Mark off pages in the rule book.  In order to quickly reference my rule book, I am going to mark off pages with post it note tabs.  Anything to save time in order to quickly find a specific section or rule.  This will assist me in both the championships and the team tournament.

 For the Team Tournament:

1) Hound my team to print off our lists.  At least our respective army lists have been finished for a while now, but I want to make sure they print of a sheet of what I am actually using along with stats of the models and any special rules.  I love using completely new armies that I am not familiar with at a major tournament! 

I actually modified my team tournament list after some extensive discussion about the army.  Hopefully the changes I made will benefit our team in achieving victory!

2) Build a team display board. For this I have the boards at least!  I am not going to do anything elaborate given the lack of me physically possessing any of the models (I am borrowing everything) to design a board around.  However, each board (actually more of a tray) is going to be compact and have handles built in.  So when everyone is racing around with their gigantic displays during that event, we will be able to squeeze in between everyone.  Sure our display board scores are going to suffer a bit, but there is a very slim possibility of us winning the event anyways.

3) Design psychic markers.  More for my opponent's reference, I would like to design some psychic power markers to mark biomancy powers which our army is based on.  It should speed the game up.

 Well it looks like the majority of the hard work is completed.  Now, most of the work which needs to complete is more game aid and logistical stuff which will speed my games up.  Though it is not essential, it would be nice to have.