Over the last month or so I've been beavering away at setting up a Necromunda campaign for a group of local gamers and it came to fruition in the first session of "Down and Out in Dust Falls". Ended up having 7 attendees and for the most part it went smoothly and everyone had a good time! I figured I'd do a little overview via the...

Downhive Dispatch - Vol. I, Issue I

Violence Erupts in Dust Falls!

The fragile peace between the great houses was shattered recently, as simmering tensions finally came to a head. Gangs representing five of the six houses were reported to be engaging in open warfare in the environs around the Abyss, with the notable exception of the scions of House Delaque. Sources suggest that while the rest of the houses aggressions are overt, it is folly to assume the Delaques were not also scheming behind the scenes.

Early in the month The 2nd Shift Linemen of House Van Saar and the Muses of Boom of House Escher faced off in the industrial wastelands and the Van Saar subsequently lodged an OSHA violation complaint about the lack of hand railings following the unfortunate injuries suffered by several of their number falling from various bridges and ledges.

The Arc Welders Local 419 of House Orlock were ambushed by the Dead Dragons of House Goliath, though the stalwart Orlocks managed to fend them off handily.

The Steelhead Power Company of House Goliath skirmished with Meticulosa Nomen of House Cawdor in the tunnels beneath the main levels of the encampents, with brutal casualties on both sides.

Later in the cycle further clashes occurred, with the Steelhead Power Company emerging victorious over the Arc Welders Local 419 in the industrial zones.

The Muses of Boom and the 2nd Shift Linemen once again skirmished in the underways below a liquid nitrogen storage facility, an area fraught with danger but lucrative rewards, marking the beginning a long-term feud between the two Houses.

The Light of the Emperor's Benediction, a splinter sect of House Cawdor, ambushed their fellow house gang Meticulosa Nomen but didn't manage to pin down their erstwhile foes, and instead snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

As the cycle drew to a close, the balance of power remained fairly stable with no one House gaining significant territory increases or losses. House Goliath and House Cawdor as a whole maintain a strong grip on the area due to the increased number of gangs operating on their behalf, but interniceine skirmishing prevented either House from capitalizing on the fact...

All in all it was a successful initial meetup and we're going to be changing a few things to help it flow even smoother for next month's session!