Hello one and all,

To follow on from the last Warlord post, ( https://weemen.blogspot.com/2019/05/legio-crucius-warlord-titan-wip-5.html )
I've made steady progress with the Warlord, The body has had a complete wash of an agrax/medium wash, then a highlight prior to adding all the armour panels. These have been fixed into position. Details and highlights are to be added to complete.
The head has been magnetised into position, and I've wired all the LED's in to position through the head into the Torso. Prior to this, all the crew were painted and added into position. The head was positioned so that he is looking in the same direction as the Sunfury weapons. Each LED has its own power supply, so at the moment I've got 6 power packs inside the body, with an addition 6V power pack for the smoke machines I've added to the vents (see these next week...)
I am really happy with how the overall appearance of the model, the project has taken just over 2 months to get to this stage. The weapons need completing, as do the final washes/highlights on some of the panels. I am hopeful, and confident that the model will be complete for the Titan Owners Club UK Walk at the end of June.. LH

Warlord Hell's Daughter will Walk at the next Titan Owners Club UK event, where she will be battling alongside 80 other Titans! Remember to register your own Titans at Titan Owners Club, and if you want some cool Titan Owners Club merchandise we even now have a Spreadshirt Shop, any profits go to buying Titan sized terrain for future Walks :)