The fourth game of the Rapid Strike 40k tournament saw my Deathwatch taking on Alex's Black Templars Space Marines. 

This game was Spoils of War. In this mission, you get three cards per turn. You cannot discard any "Secure Objective X" cards and your opponent can score any of these cards in your hand at the end of the turn. 

My army consisted of:
Patrol Detachment (Deathwatch)
Watch Master- Guardian Spear
Watch Captain- Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Bolt Pistol, Castellan of the Black Vault, The Beacon Angelis
Kill Team- 7 Veterans with Storm Bolters, Chainswords and 2 Storm Shields, Terminator with Storm Bolter and Power Fist, Vanguard Veteran with Storm Shield and Bolt Pistol, Biker with Twin Boltgun. 
10 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Vanguard Veterans- Bolt Pistols, Chainswords, Hand Flamer
6 Bikers- Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Storm Shield, Twin Bolters, Chainswords
Razorback- Twin Lascannon, Storm Bolter

As per the tournament rules, I would have 6 command points to spend.

Alex's army consisted of:
Patrol Detachment (Space Marines, Black Templars)
Chapter Master- Terminator Armour, Thunder Hammer, the Shield Eternal, Iron Resolve
10 Primaris Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistol, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher
10 Terminators- 3 Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields, Pairs of Lightning Claws
10 Terminators- Storm Bolters, Power Fists, Power Sword

A small, elite force, mostly consisting of Terminators. When was the last time you saw that many Terminators in a tournament army? The Black Templars chapter tactics gave re-rolls to charge moves, which should help the Terminators get into combat. Alex spent 3 of his 6 CP to make a Chapter Master of his Captain, giving him full re-rolls to hit.

We set up the objectives as shown below:

We then deployed our forces. I put a unit of Intercessors, Biker and the Watch Captain on the left flank. A unit of Intercessors and the Razorback went in the centre, with the other combat squad of Bikers on the right flank. The Storm Bolter Veterans, Watch Master and Vanguard Veterans went in reserve.

Alex deployed his combat squads of Intercessors in the ruins on the right and centre of his deployment zone. He kept the firepower Terminators in a single squad, putting them on the left flank. The other units of Terminators went into combat squads and into reserve, joined by the Chapter Master.

Alex chose to take the first turn and I failed to seize the initiative.

In his first turn, Alex drew Secure Objective 5, Defend Objective 3 and Priority Orders Received (Domination). He spent 2CP to discard Priority Orders and drew For the Emperor (make a successful charge).

The Terminators on the left moved up towards the Deathwatch lines.

In the shooting phase, the Intercessors on the right fired at the Bikers in front of them. The Bolt Rifles took one wound from a Biker, the Grenade Launcher finishing him off. The central Intercessors fired on the Deathwatch Intercessors on their right, killing one of the squad.

On the left flank, the Terminators fired at the Bikers in front of them, killing two of the squad with their firepower.

At the end of his turn, Alex scored no points and discarded Defend Objective 3.

In my first turn, I drew Secure Objective 1, Defend Objective 4 and Advance. I spent 2CP to discard Advance and drew Mission Critical Objective (objective 4). My Mission Tactics were Troops.

On the left flank, the Bikers and Watch Captain moved up on the enemy Primaris Marines, the Deathwatch Intercessors picking their way through the ruins. On the right flank, the surviving Biker moved up on the objective.

In the shooting phase, the Bikers on the left fired at the Intercessors in the ruins in front of them, causing three wounds, the enemy Primaris taking one. The nearby Deathwatch Intercessors added their firepower, taking two wounds with the Vengeance shells, but even the armour piercing shells failed to penetrate their armour.

The lone Biker and central Intercessors fired on the enemy Intercessors behind the sandbag emplacement, doing a single wound on the squad. The Razorback fired at the Black Templars Intercessors in the ruins, killing one with the Lascannons.

At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 1 and Alex's Secure Objective 5. I discarded Defend Objective 4.

Black Templars- 0
Deathwatch- 2

A good start for the Deathwatch, taking the lead after the first turn. Neither side had been bloodied yet, but the reserves were due to arrive to try and tip the balance.

In his second turn, Ben drew Secure Objective 4, Kingslayer and For the Emperor (make a charge).

The Terminators on the left moved up on the lone Biker, while the Intercessors in the ruins emerged and moved towards the enemy Bikers.

At the end of the phase, Alex brought in both units of Terminators. The squad with the three Thunder Hammers landed on his right flank, behind the Deathwatch Intercessors, while the second squad landed nearby, behind the ruins sheltering the second squad of Intercessors.

On the right flank, the Black Templars Intercessors fired on the Deathwatch Bikers, killing one. The second squad fired at the closer Deathwatch Intercessor unit, but failed to do any damage. Alex chose not to fire with the Terminator squad. The only unit in range was the lone Biker and he didn't want to risk killing him.

In the charge phase, the combat Terminators both assaulted the enemy Intercessors squad, initially failing the charge, but making it in thanks to the Chapter Tactics re-rolls. The other Terminator squad also charged the lone Biker.

In the fight phase, the Black Templars Terminators cut down one squad of Deathwatch Intercessors, and killed three in another squad. The lone Biker was also easily slain by the Power Fists of the Terminator squad. The Assault Terminators were able to consolidate into the Razorback to stop it from firing.

The Deathwatch Intercessors failed to do any damage against the Terminators.

At the end of his turn, Alex scored First Blood, Secure Objective 4 and For the Emperor for 3 points.

In my second turn, I drew Overwhelming Firepower and Area Denial to go with Mission Critical Objective (objective 4). A great round of cards for me, as these could all probably be achieved.

The Intercessors and Razorback fell back from combat against the Terminators. On the left flank, the Watch Captain moved to engage the Space Marine Intercessors, while the Biker advanced onto the enemy objective. I had tried to use the Beacon Angelis to take the two Intercessors out of combat, but there was no way to deploy them from where I had positioned the Watch Captain.

At the end of the phase, the Storm Bolter Kill Team and Watch Master landed in the enemy deployment zone.

In the shooting phase, I used the Doctrine on the Storm Bolter Kill Team, giving them +1 to wound against the enemy Intercessors. They opened fire on the squad with their Kraken Bolts, doing 26 wounds and wiping out the unit.

The Watch Captain threw a Krak Grenade, killing another Intercessor. The Watch Master added his firepower, killing two more of the squad.

In the charge phase, the Watch Captain charged the last of the enemy Intercessors, killing him in the fight phase.

At the end of my turn, I scored Overwhelming Firepower, Area Denial (3 pts) and Mission Critical Objective (2 pts).

Black Templars- 3
Deathwatch- 8

A great second turn had seen me take the lead with a great round of cards.

In his third turn, Alex drew Secure Objective 1, Hold the Line and the Emperor's Retribution (control an objective that was held by your opponent).

The Terminators moved towards the Intercessors, while the Thunder Hammer Terminator squad moved towards the Razorback. The 10-man Terminator squad moved up towards the Kill Team. At the end of the phase, the Chapter Master arrived, landing near the Bikers.

The Chapter Master fired at the Biker, but failed to do any damage. The Terminators fired at the Razorback and Intercessors, putting one wound on each.

In the charge phase, the Terminators assaulted the Razorback and the other squad charged the Intercessors. One of the Lascannons managed to get a shot on the Terminators, but I rolled a one for damage. The Chapter Master attempted to assault the Biker, but failed to make the distance, taking one wound in overwatch.

The two Deathwatch Intercessors were slain, while the Terminators did two wounds on the Razorback, leaving it on four.

At the end of his turn, Alex scored Secure Objective 1 and discarded Hold the Line.

In my turn, I drew Secure Objective 2, Defend Objective 2 and Psychological Warfare.

The Razorback fell back from combat, while the Storm Bolter Kill Team moved to target the Chapter Master. The Biker advanced onto the objective. At the end of the phase, the Vanguard Veterans landed next to the objective.

In the shooting phase, the Kill Team fired their Vengeance Bolts at the Chapter Master, wounding him five times, but he made all his armour saves. The Chapter Master added his firepower, but failed to do any damage.

At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 2 and discarded Psychological Warfare.

Black Templars- 3
Deathwatch- 9

At the end of turn 3, the Deathwatch were still in the lead, but there were a lot of Terminators left on the field to take them on.

In his fourth turn, Alex drew Defend Objective 2, Advance and Emperor's Retribution.

The Assault Terminators on the left flank advanced towards the objective, while the other squad moved up on the Razorback. The Storm Bolter Terminators moved up on the Biker, accompanied by the Chapter Master.

The Terminators opened fire on the Veterans and Razorback, doing no damage to the Kill Team and one wound on the Razorback.

The Terminators charged the Biker, easily killing him in combat. The other Terminator squad charged the Razorback, one of the squad falling to overwatch fire. The Terminators struck down the enemy vehicle, blowing it up, the Terminators taking three mortal wounds.

At the end of his turn, Alex scored three points for Emperor's Retribution.

In my fourth turn, I had Defend Objective 2 and drew Secure Objective 6 and Assassinate.

The Kill Team moved back from the enemy forces. They opened fire on the Thunder Hammer Terminators with their Kraken Bolts, killing two of the squad. The Chapter Master fired at the survivor, wounding him once but failing to get past his armour.

At the end of my turn I scored Secure Objective 6 and discarded Defend Objective 2. Alex scored Defend Objective 2.

Black Templars- 8
Deathwatch- 10

A great turn for Alex had seen him bring back the points to be within two of the Deathwatch.

In his turn, Alex drew Defend Objective 1, Mission Critical Objective (objective 4) and had Advance.

The Terminators and Chapter Master advanced out of their deployment zone. The lone Thunder Hammer Terminator moved behind the ruins to shield himself from the enemy firepower.

At the end of his turn, Alex scored Advance and discarded Mission Critical Objective.

In my turn, I drew Secure Objective 3 and No Prisoners to go with Assassinate.

The Watch Master and Kill Team moved up on the lone Terminator, while the Watch Master advanced to try and help the Kill Team, but failed to make the distance. I used the Beacon Angelis to teleport the Kill Team forward towards the Terminator.

The Kill Team fired on the lone Terminator, doing 9 wounds, but failing to get past his Storm Shield save.

With no one else able to fire, I went into the charge phase. The Veterans failed to assault the last Terminator, but fortunately the Watch Captain was able to charge the lone Terminator, slaying him in combat.

At the end of my turn, I scored No Prisoners and Secure Objective 3. I discarded Assassinate. Alex scored Defend Objective 1.

Black Templars- 11
Deathwatch- 12

We rolled to see if the game would continue and it did.

In his turn, Alex drew Defend Objective 4, Assassinate and Overwhelming Firepower.

The Terminators and Chapter Master moved up on the Kill Team, while the other Terminator squad moved to secure the nearby objective.

The Terminators fired their Storm Bolters at the Kill Team, doing 23 wounds and killing 6 of the squad.

At the end of his turn, Alex scored no points.

In my sixth turn, I drew Secure Objective 1, Secure Objective 4 and Secure Objective 5.

The Vanguard Veterans moved up on the objective, while the Kill Team and Watch Captain moved up on the assault Terminators on the objective.

The Veterans fired at the Terminators, killing one of the squad. The Watch Captain then charged in to the squad, killing two more of the squad, and leaving two remaining. The Terminators were able to do a wound to the Watch Captain in reply.

At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 4 and Alex scored my Secure Objective 1.

Black Templars- 12
Deathwatch- 13

There was only one point in the game at this stage. We rolled to see if the game would continue and it did got on to turn 7.

In his final turn, Alex drew Blood and Guts, Overwhelming Firepower and Defend Objective 4.

The Terminators fell back from combat with the Watch Captain. The Chapter Master moved to secure the objective on the hill, while the Terminators moved towards the Vanguard Veterans.

The Terminators fired at the Vanguard Veterans and Kill Team, killing three in the Kill Team and one Vanguard Veteran.

In the charge phase, the Terminators assaulted the Vanguard Veterans, killing the squad.

At the end of his turn, Alex scored my Secure Objective 5 and Blood and Guts.

In my final turn, I drew Kingslayer, Behind Enemy Lines and Defend Objective 1.

The Watch Master advanced to get to the enemy deployment zone. The remnants of the Kill Team and the Watch Captain moved up to take out the Terminators to stop them scoring Linebreaker.

The Veterans opened fire, but failed to do any damage. In the charge phase, the Veterans and Watch Captain charged the Terminators. The Watch Captain was only able to kill one of the Terminators, leaving one remaining, who was unable to do any harm on the Veterans.

At the end of my turn, I scored Behind Enemy Lines and Linebreaker. Alex scored Defend Objective 4 and Linebreaker. I also scored a bonus point for scoring more "Secure Objective" cards during the game (6 vs 4).

Black Templars- 17
Deathwatch- 16
End of the game.

A win for the Black Templars, victory stolen from the Deathwatch in the final turn!

Thanks to Alex for a great game. He managed to grab the win in the end.

Annoyingly, had the game ended on any turn before 7, I would have won the game, as I was ahead for the whole game up until the final turn. Also, had I been able to wipe out the Terminator squad to stop him scoring Linebreaker, it would have been a draw.

I'm not sure what else I could change about my plan to change the outcome. My first turn firepower wasn't too great, doing a bit of damage, but failing to get me first blood.

Turn 2 for Alex was pretty brutal. Getting off both 9" charges with the assault Terminators was brutal. One Intercessor squad pretty much melted, while the other was lucky to have 2 members survive. One mistake was falling back with the Razorback. I would probably have been better keeping the Terminators locked in combat with the Razorback and falling back with the Intercessors, out of line of sight of the enemy Storm Bolter fire.

I doubt the Lightning Claws could have taken out the vehicle in combat in my turn, so this would have stopped the Terminators from charging at me in Alex's turn and might have allowed the Intercessors to survive for a bit longer.

Other than that, there wasn't too much to change. We both played well for the cards drawn and managed to wrack up the points and a very close game by the end. My first loss of the day, but still a great game.

The Terminators proved very tough to take out, even with my special issue ammunition. They were well suited for this mission type and board size. On a standard 6x4 board, they might have struggled to get into combat more than once, or I might have been able to increase the distance between them and my units.

Rapid Strike 2019
Game 1- Deathwatch vs Astra Militarum
Game 2- Deathwatch vs Black Legion Chaos Space Marines
Game 3- Deathwatch vs Drukhari
Game 4- Deathwatch vs Black Templars Space Marines
Game 5- Deathwatch vs T'au